Make The Most Of This Crisis In A Constructive Way

The COVID 19 situation right now is stressful, but rather than pitying yourself at this time, ignite hope and make everyday count!

COVID 19 has thrown each one of us in a zone of discomfort. Initial days of COVID 19 were horrifying. No household and family members always looking for what will we eat next. Food becoming the main focus. It was the only healthy and at times overindulgent source of venting.

With horrid news broadcasting on tv and newspaper, the feeling of anxiety is increasing. All of us are going through the wide valley of emotions. Just like every weather comes and passes away so does every feeling.

\Truly, COVID 19 will also pass away and we will be welcoming better times.
Easy to get overwhelmed by the situation and feeling the heat, but many people are using this time to expand their comfort zone. They are seeking a higher way.

Indulging into creativity 

Passionate singers are taking another leap in their singing talent. Singing their favourite melodies and posting on social media sites. Picking up one’s canvas and painting one’s heart out. Such picturesque paintings are being created by people.

Writers are further getting an impetus to polish their writing talent.

Reading habit is being picked up by more people. Reading has truly started becoming a pleasurable and engrossing past time.

Social distancing an imposition on humanity, but now we are communicating more than ever with over loved ones, family, friends and colleagues. Thanks to superfast technology we are in it together.

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Exercise and fitness routines are becoming a “go-to spot” for every person right from 6 to 60. Every morning, more and more people are walking, cycling and joyously greeting and chatting with each other.

Instead of feeling pity ignite hope

With world leaders and intellectuals striving their hardest to find a solution to end the pandemic. I am sure pandemic will get over very soon.

Darkness always leads to light. Every sunset gives way to a bright sunrise of hope and colour. Remaining undefeated in these times and making the most of this time in a manner so in hindsight we tell ourselves” I did my best and made every moment count”.

Instead of pitying myself, I ignited hope by doing my best and going out to help people maybe through words of encouragement. This is the best time to create good causes which will lighten your and everyone’s life… So don’t mull what future will hold for you.

Do things that you always wished- paint, write, read, chat, bake, cook, self-care, journal, eat, binge watch, sip your favourite drink, watch your favourite shows and movies, help others, be with those who need you the most…

How are you making your everyday count?

Do you keep pressing the worry burden and feel sorry for self?
Do you find and create joy in everyday moments and show gratitude?
It’s the time for you to choose and decide whether you want to remain gloomy and anxious with what one’s future holds or seek a path for unending happiness filled with hope for a better world each day by doing your bit.

Don’t give up on self or life.

Be courageous and take one day at a time.

Life is a treasure itself.

Choose wisely!


About the Author

niharika bhatnagar

An elementary educator who strives to add " happiness quotient" in the lives Trying out new things to add color to each day "flavorsome" Reading and writing brings solace Its kind of THERAPY Teaching and learning read more...

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