Do Preschoolers Need To Attend The Online Class?

On one hand onlne classes do kill the boredom of sitting at home for kids but it also increases the screen time and takes away the time to e  enjoy childhood from preescholers 

On one hand onlne classes do kill the boredom of sitting at home for kids but it also increases the screen time and takes away the time to e  enjoy childhood from preescholers 

Since the outbreak of Corona, the entire education has shrunk into a virtual world. From a 3-years- old kid to a twenty years old student, everyone needs to sit in front of the computer to attend the class. And it looks like, it will go on for a long time—maybe a year or so.

At present, when the cases of Corona is increasing by leaps and bounds, the schools getting opened is not anywhere on the horizon. I stand by this step of the Government. To follow social distancing norms in schools would be an arduous task. Most of the parents will dread sending their kids to school—at worst, even if it opens, the turnout is going to be abysmally low.

First day of online class

My kid is just five and attends her online class in the morning for around an hour. Being shut at home for so many months, kids get grossly bored, lifeless and sullen. Since the classes have kicked off, it has stirred a lot of interest, curiosity and enthusiasm among them; every day they learn something new.

In the morning, the clock ticked 11 am. After finishing up her breakfast, my kid was looking forward to attending an online class with lots of gusto. Pulling on her favourite dress, her hair combed neatly, her face properly washed, she got ready to attend her classes.

As soon as we logged in, around and a chubby face of her teacher showed up on the screen. Greeting everyone with a pleasing smile, she welcomed all. For a few minutes or so, all I could hear was kids mumbling and gibbering few words and the voices echoing, eventually drowning the voice of the teacher, too.

And then the mike was turned off at everyone’s end. The class went on for half an hour with all the talking, participating, sharing, muttering answers, gibbering. My daughter was in a flutter while attending the class and so was other kids.

Increased screen time 

She watched with such a keen interest like she was, as it were, watching her favourite cartoon.No doubt, it has driven the boredom and irritation off their life, making them cheerful and lively. Although online classes keep smaller kids busy, ebbing off their boredom, yet it has few fallouts too. A major chunk of parents was quite at odds with the start of online classes for kids, mostly preschoolers.

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The increased screen time not only damages their eyes but the brain as well, in one way or another. It would be better if parents could take out some time from their daily routine for their kids. Only if they could help them with studies, at lower classes it is not so difficult, too.

Parents have their share of responsibilities towards their kid’s that they must fulfil . Lets the preschoolers enjoy their childhood; studies does not matter a lot at this stage!

Picture Credit – Pexels 


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Tanu Priya

I am a bit introvert by nature,but that does stop me to make friends with new people. Writing is my hobby,my passion,my dream It gives me the joy;gives meaning to my read more...

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