My Depression Makes Me Feel Like I Am Losing Myself In A Deep, Dark Place

This feeling is intolerable and inexpressible. I want it to end. All I want is for this to go away. I want to be the version of myself that was happy.

This feeling is intolerable and inexpressible. I want it to end. All I want is for this to go away. I want to be the version of myself that was happy.

My body has completely shut down, my calves hurt and it’s not painful, it feels there is a steam engine flowing in them. The heat and the flow make my legs so fatigued. My eyes are watering and my mind says I should cry. I want to cry and get this unpleasant feeling out of me. Can I cry? No!

My forearms feel heavy. It’s so difficult to lift my body. When I sit, I seem to be falling and have no control over my physical self. I want to get up and work as there is a to-do list, but I can barely put my mind to even get one thing done.

I just feel drained

When I sit to read, I read slow, super slow, and barely registering a word, I can’t seem to concentrate. I have been waking up earlier than my usual time and then try to sleep more but I keep waking up. On one end, I am so sleepy that my eyes are shutting down, but on the other end, I am unable to sustain any sleep.

I want to talk about this feeling because it makes me so vulnerable. And I think I am disabled but I tell myself that I am not weak. I am not tired but I feel drained.

Often, I don’t wish to eat instead I binge eat. It feels like nothing is in my hands and I am losing myself into a deep, dark place maybe, that’s why they call it depression.

Nothing seems right at all

Nothing seems to be right, it seems all is loosening away. I am losing interest step by step from my favourite things to do but you know I still want to do all those things. Things that I love – exercising, writing, painting, and reading seem more like chores to me than fun elements.

My mood is not just upset, it is depressed. It is dropping as if it had an automatic meter attached to it and the lower it drops, the colder I become. It all seems to be slipping away from me, I seem to be slipping away from myself.

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I am trying to tell you folks in as many words I know, “I don’t feel well or good today.” And it’s not because the day is dull for all of us. So, hey, I am just not having a bad day but I need help. This feeling is intolerable and inexpressible.

I want this feeling to end. All I want is for this helplessness to go away. I want to be the version of myself that was productive and happy. The version who believed I am able.

A version of this was earlier published here.

Picture credits: YouTube

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About the Author

Sanjoni Sethi

Sanjoni Sethi is a mental health professional, a psychologist. She has completed her Master’s Programme in Clinical Psychology (M.Sc Clinical Psychology) from Christ College, Bengaluru & Bachelors in Psychology Hons from Delhi University. Currently, read more...

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