10 Thoughtful Writers Who Empowered Women At Work, In A Decade Of Women’s Web

Being paid for your work can make a huge difference to women's long-term financial well-being. That's just one of the reasons women's work matters.

Being paid for your work can make a huge difference to women’s long-term financial well-being. That’s just one of the reasons women’s work matters.

When we started Women’s Web a decade ago, one of the things that really set us apart from other women’s publications of the time, was our focus on women and careers.

We decided early on, that enlarging the opportunities for women to access paid work, do better at the work they access, and find ways to be financially independent, was an important part of our mission.

We have always been very clear, as a team, that this is not about the tired old homemakers versus working women debate. All women work, period, and all work whether at home or outside, is worthy of respect. The difference is that some are paid for it, and being paid for their work, can make all the difference to women’s long-term financial stability and well-being.

With these ideas in mind, we publish regularly on women entrepreneurs and their business ideas and experiences, career tips and strategies for women at work, as well as on resources and opportunities that we all find useful.

While we’ve published a significant body of work in the areas, and it’s super hard to choose, here are some posts that readers over the last 10 years have really found useful.

Home Based Business: Dressmaking Divas

This piece on 3 home-based dress-making businesses, written by Melanie Lobo who interviewed these innovative entrepreneurs, has really stayed with people over time. It is regularly accessed by many who want to enter the tailoring & dress-making businesses.

8 Creative Ideas For Women’s Day Programs At Work To Celebrate Gender Equality

For many of us jaded by Women’s Day celebrations that offer us red roses and a salon voucher, Kanupriya Kumar’s post on creative ways for workplaces & other groups to celebrate Women’s Day really hit the spot.

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9 Tips For Indian Bloggers On How To Make Money Through Blogging

As digital career opportunities like blogging go mainstream, noted blogger Anupama Dalmia’s guide to making money through blogging was lapped up by our readers. From content quality to offering value-added services, she sums up pretty much everything a new blogger needs to know around monetization.

Studying After A Long Break? 4 Tips To Managing Academics Again

Many women do go back to studying, either to pick up additional qualifications, or complete academics that were disrupted by marriage or kids. However, studying after a gap can be hard. Aruna Chakraborty shares valuable tips to manage your studies after a break, from her own experience.

3 Reasons Why Women Should Never Give Up Working, At A Professional Level

A post that really resonated with me, this one on continuing to work, by Jaishree, discusses all the reasons paid work makes a difference to women’s lives, beyond the financials.

Asking These Interview Questions To Female Candidates? Please Stop!

When are you starting a family? Who will take care of your child when you are at work? In this hard-hitting post on inappropriate questions asked to women at job interviews, Anju Jayaram lays out why it’s time for companies to become more sensitive.

Here’s Why I Am The Badass Woman @ Work – Make These Your Mantras Too!

Misogyny at work is very real, but in this post, Akshata Ram encourages women to do their bit to combat it – whether by speaking up for yourself or refusing to be that woman at work who gets handed all the ‘mom’ tasks.

Was It Really A ‘Happy’ Mother’s Day For Moms & Soon-To-Be Moms Employed At Indian Workplaces?

We go gaga over our mothers on Mother’s Day, but refuse to support a female colleague who may also be a mother. Anusha Singh in this post on truly enabling working mothers, encourages all of us to look at our own biases in the workplace.

When 2 Clients Dissed My Work, It Hurt, But I Learnt To Deal With Failure

It’s not easy to take negative feedback from a client, but entrepreneur Nikita J Vyas shares her own experience with hearing a client diss her work, and what it taught her.

12 Companies With Return-To-Work Programs You Should Know About

Returning to work after a career break is not always easy, but some of India’s largest employers are making it more conducive for women. CP shares 12 return to work programs for women that anyone seeking a job should know about.

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About the Author

Aparna Vedapuri Singh

Founder & Chief Editor of Women's Web, Aparna believes in the power of ideas and conversations to create change. She has been writing since she was ten. In another life, she used to be read more...

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