Women’s Day 2020: 15 Things Women Can Pledge To Do For Other Women

For Women's Day 2020 the theme is #EachForEqual - what can each of us do to bring up other women to equal? Can we do something concrete?

For Women’s Day 2020 the theme is #EachForEqual – what can each of us do to bring up other women to equal? Can we do something concrete?

International Women’s Day comes around every year on 8th March, and often so much focus is on what the powers that be can do, or on the other extreme, the pink and glittery commercial concerns.

Women’s Day 2020 is different. The theme #EachForEqual, calls out to every woman. 

We often tend to forget the privilege we have in our society. What we often take for granted might be something others get after a lot of hard work and perseverance. This, in no way, belittles the problems that we face. But we need to understand and know that there are other women whose struggle is greater and bigger than ours. As women, the best and the most effective way in which we can help other women is to be there.

What is the Women’s Day 2020 theme about?

The theme #EachForEqual is drawn from the notion of ‘Collective Individualism’.

“Collectively, we can make change happen. Collectively, we can each help to create a gender equal world.” We can effectively put to use our privilege to bring up other women.

Starting Women’s Day 2020 (or, why wait?), each one of us can pledge to do our bit to use whatever privilege we have, and help other women up to equal, to be a sisterhood that holds hands with others and gives them a chance at having a better life.

You could be anyone, doing anything in your life, but you may have some privilege you can make use of. Let’s take inspiration this Women’s Day 2020, and choose from this list of 15 concrete yet simple things which we can do to empower other women in our lives.

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If you’re a doctor

As a doctor, one can provide regular free health check up to their own domestic help because charity starts from home.

A ‘boss’ at work

If one holds a position of authority in their workplace, a support group of women or a network of women could be formed, to mentor other women, or to help other women voice their concerns and grievances in a safe environment.

A woman in a position of authority in their workplace, can also push for facilities like a creche for mothers, especially single mothers who might not have other options.

An activist/ writer

Whenever there is a discussion on feminism, we should encourage Dalit and tribal women, women from minority religions, queer women, to speak up because their struggle is very different from the struggles other face. We can be their champions who support their cause.

Others might face discrimination only on their gender, but marginalised women face discrimination not only on their gender but also on other things.

A homemaker

As a homemaker in her free time, one can teach the kids from those with lower family income groups. One can impart elementary education in the form of tuition classes.

Apart from bookish education, if a home maker knows certain skills, for example sewing, or painting, or some kind of sport, she can teach that to other women or their kids, and help them learn something. Who knows they can be inspired to start something of their own?

A gynaecologist

As a gynecologist, she can teach other women about female hygiene and even start a menstruation education programme on weekends for other women in her own community.

An investor

Contributing generously and investing in businesses where a woman entrepreneur is involved. It will eventually create job opportunities for other women to be successful in their careers.

A young woman

As young women ourselves, we often have had a lack of women who would support us and show us the right way. We can pledge to mentor one girl in our own communities.

A policymaker

As policymakers, women can recommend, push for, and help make policies which will support women, and will provide them with resources whenever they need it.

A lawyer

If someone is a lawyer, they could decide to work pro bono for a certain number of cases where a woman needs help. Or write for publications which aim to help women, or offer their services free at an NGO of their choice – the choices are vast.

An influencer

Someone with a strong social media presence can help create a strong network of powerful women who can lend help where any is needed, or even mentor women who need professional or personal mentoring.

A working woman

Apart from these, in our workspaces we should strive to make female empowerment not only for women, but we should try to include / induct men too in this process.

Any woman

Sponsoring the education of at least one poor female child. Education is one of the most powerful tools we can give to a woman.

Be a watchguard, looking out for nuisances which will create trouble for women, and help in taking action, even preventive action.

Image source: By Alina ChanOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link 

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Snigdha Nalini Oreya

A Journalism student. When not busy with college and assignments, I read a lot. Big time foodie and dog mom. Pop culture, feminism and news gets me excited. read more...

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