To All The Single, Liberated Women, Embrace Your Inner Playgirl This V-day!

With Valentine's Day just round the corner, I had to make a few difficult decisions on whom to spend Valentine's with! Here's how my life came to this!

With Valentine’s Day just round the corner, I had to make a few difficult decisions on whom to spend Valentine’s with! Here’s how my life came to this!

Well, the love and feels of Valentine’s day are in the air. School children are trying their best to woo their crushes and college students are busy getting condoms to get ready for the parties. Meanwhile, here I am, all cosy and tucked in my bed with a beautiful book!

And then, out of nowhere, my phone starts pinging like a maniac and I’m baffled. I never get so many texts! Never. So, I suspected something must be up. And sure enough, these were messages from all these guys I met on the various dating apps. Each one wanted to know what I was planning to do on Valentine’s week and if I would like to go out for dinner with them. After pondering over what to do, I decided to have a very polyamorous Valentine’s week! And at the end of it, I would decide who I’d spend my Valentines night with.

Monday evening dating

Come Monday, I was on leave from work to get some personal stuff done, so I got the whole day to myself. I got my work, I relaxed and I prepped myself for my date. Now this date had the potential to be good for we were going drinking and then for a nice dinner somewhere. And in order to woo me further, this fellow actually did send me an early morning coffee. Now that’s a gesture I appreciate!

Well, dinner was fun. We laughed a lot, talked a lot and drank a little. After the date, like a very chivalrous man, he dropped me home and waited till I was inside the house to leave. Who said chivalry is dead! He has a good sense of humour, is tall and has good grammar. I might see him again- but maybe not on Valentine’s day! 

Date number two was fun too!

Moving to Date No. 2- on Tuesday. This man too, started the day by sending me some coffee- this time at work. And that ensured that everyone was definitely jealous!

He was constantly texting and asking me about work, and when I said, I’d had a long day, he even asked if I wanted to cancel. 10 points for consideration! But I went along- I really didn’t want my dating experiment to fail!

After a long day at work, I finally meet this guy. We were supposed to go to my favourite bookstore and then for dinner before he dropped me off home. The bookstore was a delight, as always! And he even bought me a book (which I believe is my other superpower, but more on that later)

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We, then, strolled around the beautiful street for a while, talking, laughing and just enjoying ourselves. We had dinner at a lovely old school restaurant, that played songs from the 80s, while discussing everything from football to Bollywood to our childhoods. 

I must say it was fun! And I am definitely seeing him again. But am I seeing him on Valentine’s day? Who knows!

The guy from Wednesday!

And finally, moving on to Date Number 3- The Wednesday guy. Now this was the guy I would definitely definitely date! He’s tall, he plays football, has a great sense of humour and is very open about his feminist views

The date began a little rough- I got stuck in traffic and got late to the date. Not a good start, but once I got there and he gave me an insane amount of grief for being late, things went on quite smoothly. 

The food was good, we were talking nonstop to the point that we had to ask our food to be reheated! He was a fun guy who was into football (duh) and was well-read on a good selection of books. We discussed books, Harry Potter, food and everything else in between. 

We talked till the point the restaurant was shutting down and we were practically thrown out! After an awkward laugh, we left and walked around the area for another hour and a half before I started to seriously get sleepy. 

And we parted ways- we were, obviously, texting the entire time till I reached home and till I fell asleep. Definitely the kind I would see on Friday!

No date-Thursday and no date V-day!

Today’s Thursday and while, I don’t have a date scheduled for today, I am talking to the Wednesday fellow. 

Dating in today’s times is honestly, not the easiest task, for there are one of two things that would happen- either you’re ghosted or you catch feelings! What with so many apps to help you find love or a hookup! But dating today is definitely fun- my life is clearly a good example of that! 

It isn’t always about finding your one true love or the one you’d wanna wake up next to every single day. Some times, it is also about finding someone to merely hook up with, have one amazing night and never see them again. 

So go on, ladies, download them dating apps and have a blast! Embrace your inner Medusa and go say, “let me seduce ya!”

Picture credits: Still from Bollywood movie Cocktail

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About the Author


Reader, writer and a strong feminist, I survive on coffee and cuddles from dogs! Pop culture, especially Bollywood, runs in my veins while I crack incredibly lame jokes and puns! read more...

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