In Sickness, And Health, Women Will Do It All Because They Have No ‘Off-Days,’ You See!

There will be days when she won't have the energy to do anything but she will get up and continue to do it all. Women don't have a leave or an 'off day.'

There will be days when she won’t have the energy to do anything but she will get up and continue to do it all. Women don’t have a leave or an ‘off day.’

In our society, a woman never gets a day off from her responsibilities or household chores. It’s like, even when she sick, busy with something or doesn’t want to do, she has to do the assigned work. She can’t apply for a leave or just go on vacation or even take a day off. Neither can she expect someone else to serve her, even for a single day. But she is expected to fill everyone’s plate with their favourite dishes and no one will ask her what she likes and wants and if she has eaten well!

And if she is unable to do her job, she is made to feel guilty for not taking up her responsibilities and is told that she has failed as a woman. Whether you agree or don’t this has been happening for ages and still hasn’t stopped.

Is it ONLY her responsibility?

In a number of desi families, regardless of whether she’s working or a homemaker, the woman has to do all the household chores. It is expected of her to do all that, like it’s only her responsibility. And if she is the only woman at home, and everyone knows it would be difficult for her to manage it, she is still expected to do it all.

While I am not denying that some men understand the pain of the women and do their bit to help, they still believe that it is her duty to do all the work. She has to do it. And she can’t just apply for a leave and rest. She can’t leave work and go anywhere. There is just no escape!

Do a little to help her

Why can’t the men just help the women? By help, I don’t mean, you do everything from cooking to cleaning to doing the dishes! What I am saying is that you can make sure that her burden isn’t doubled because of you. The least you do is the small things- do your own stuff and don’t push it all on her. Do the minimal so it gets easier for her.

Women are humans too. They get sick too and yet there won’t be a single day when you won’t have your breakfast, lunch and dinner on your table. She will complain but make sure that the whole family eats well.

And there will be days when she won’t have the energy to do anything and she will be low but she will get up and continue to do it all. Women don’t have a leave or an ‘off day.’

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All I say is that, help. Help the women in your family. If you expected them to do everything for you, why can’t you do the same for them? It’s not always the grand things- do smaller things too. Put your own things in their place, or just clean the table for her.

She may not say it or even let you do it, but it will definitely make her smile and give her hope that she isn’t alone. It would make her feel like there is someone who understands her pain and, at least once, there is someone for her when she has always been there for everyone.

Picture credits: YouTube


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