Do You Always Break Your New Year Resolutions? These 5 Tips Will Help!

Tired of making new year resolutions and breaking them? These 5 simple strategies will help you ace your new year resolutions!

Tired of making new year resolutions and breaking them? These 5 simple strategies will help you ace your new year resolutions!

Every New Year brings many new things along – new vibes, new ideas, new challenges and most importantly, new resolutions. A fresh energy moves like a wave within us at the start of the year and the inbox is full of wishes and greetings.

For many, New Year wishes come along with a question, “What would be the resolution this year?” Although there is no compulsion to make a resolution at the start of the year, many worldwide do follow this practice. Performing a ritual of this nature with everyone else makes you feel better and keeps you determined about it, just as many people form communities and forums to follow their hobby or passion.

When I was in school, we used to make new year resolutions and check on friends who broke it. A few were very simple such as participating in elocution or sports activities and a few were set for improving grades.

However, as the years pass, our intensity towards resolutions changes. If you complete your resolution positively you tend to make another in the next year and if you leave it half way, you just say that you were not serious about it!

Whatever your resolution may be, the main point is to keep trying until you achieve it. Many people take a resolution as a formality while a few feel so strongly about it that they stress themselves with the burden of completing it.

Many resolutions are dead by the end of January, while a few even forget what resolutions they had taken up!

Moving ahead progressively with your resolutions shows how determined you are towards it. To keep your resolutions this year, here are a few simple ways you can follow.

Tell the world

When you make a resolution, let the world around you know it. Tell your family, friends and you can make use of social networking sites to announce your resolution.

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They will remind you of your challenge either gently or rudely – don’t let their words affect you but answer them with your actions.

Use visual cues

Collect images related to your resolution and paste them in your wardrobe and on your bathroom door so they keep motivating you to achieve it. For example, if you have resolved to be fit, then paste pictures of a fit-looking model.

Remind yourself

Make use of the calendar’s reminder service on your phone to keep a self check. Using this, you can track and judge your own performance.

Set D-Day

Though there are 365 days to conquer your challenge, set a date. If a time limit is set to the nearest, you will work harder.

Award yourself for completion

As you achieve your target, award yourself with a pat and a gift. Let all your loved ones know that you achieved what you wished for.

So now you are set to take a resolution, implement it in a comfortable way and enjoy the joy of achievement. So this year end, make a resolution and follow these steps to complete it!

Image via Canva

First published on author’s blog

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MeenalSonal Mathur

Meenal & Sonal blogger duo wishes to spread the aura of positivity through their writing. They use very simple, pure and unique ways to explain various concepts of day to day activities which easily connect to read more...

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