Why Are Decisions Changed Because Of ‘Log Kya Kehenge’ Mindset

For ‘Log Kya Kehenge’, I can only remember my father favourite song ‘Kuch tau log kehenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna’ which tells us to ignore the sayings of the society.

For ‘Log Kya Kehenge’, I can only remember my father favourite song ‘Kuch tau log kehenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna’ of movie Amar Prem sung by Kishore Kumar which tells us to ignore the sayings of the society.

Last weekend I met my society friend Anjana in nearby vegetable vendor shop. Yes by meeting I mean a hello from a distance. After requesting our orders to the vendor, we stepped aside to speak about life about lockdown and its pros and cons. You know this is the current topic where no one needs to decide where to start from. And in conversation I mentioned that I have started workout and planning to go for online aerobics or Zumba classes to which she asked details. I replied saying I thought you were planning second as you mentioned few months back in a talk. Though I never poke my nose in family planning matters of others, I knew of this as she discussed about age difference between siblings and my experiences and parenting mantras for same.

Personal Decision

Anjana started giggling and said I don’t want to make the WhatsApp forward a real one that states all couples will go cozy in the lockdown and we would see numbers rising in the birth rate from next year starting. I was shocked to hear this from her, though I respect her individual decision about second child but this reply from her made me think why people take these silly forwards so seriously. Being modest I did not reply anything, though I would be happy to hear if she would have mentioned the safety measures to be taken while visiting hospital during this pandemic. Thinking it as Anjana’s personal decision, we departed to collect our vegetable packets on vendor call of Madam and returned to respective homes.

What Others Say

The reasoning of Anjana made me think people surely take a note of what people around them to say, no matter do they affect on their life directly or indirectly. Why do we always wait for everyone’s approval of our decision and start explaining the choice even to the farthest person getting affected from it. Yes, reasoning can be given to near ones and that too when you are asked for. Giving reasoning prior to that is like unwanted justifications that support your choice. We as a society are surely to overcome with stigma of “Log kya kehenge”.

Or Is It An Excuse?

Or is it the simple excuse people have started to use to list their priorities and then always blame on the society pressure. Getting married, having kids or working in a different profession is individual choice and if you are working hard in your life for satisfying the world but not yourself then you are surely falling short of everything, The ultimate happiness when one achieves climbing to their dream ladder is more important than stepping only one step for the society.

Lord Shiva and Goddesses Parvati also had to listen to society talks when they were going with their Nandi, the bull. If Lord Shiva sat on Nandi, people said ‘how come a lady is walking and man sitting’. When Lord Shiva walked along while Goddesses Parvati sat on Nandi then people said ‘what a shame wife sitting and husband walking’. Then they both decided to sit on Nandi, then also people had trouble and said ‘poor creature taking the load of 2 people’. Then they both started walking and Nandi also beside them then also people had to pin point saying ‘having a carriage still both are walking’. To which Lord Shiva said ‘people are meant to talk and have their say in which ever manner you act’. So when Lord himself gave an example for us to listen to your heart and do deeds accordingly without getting pressurize of the society or peer. Why we humans feel the pressure of society and take decisions keeping them as forefront.

For ‘Log Kya Kehenge’, I can only remember my father favourite song ‘Kuch tau log kehenge, logo ka kaam hai kehna’ of movie Amar Prem sung by Kishore Kumar which tells us to ignore the sayings of the society. If you are still in dilemma to whom to listen then I would say close your eyes and listen what your heart says. Still unable to decide then communication helps; go talk to your loved ones, family, friends and mentors but at-last you should be the one who takes the decision.

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About the Author

MeenalSonal Mathur

Meenal & Sonal blogger duo wishes to spread the aura of positivity through their writing. They use very simple, pure and unique ways to explain various concepts of day to day activities which easily connect to read more...

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