Penguin Dad – A Millennial Trend

Being parents was never an easy task but with our fast-paced lives, an endearing father can increase the triumphs and tribulations of parenting.

Penguins are a species known to be loving and warm fathers, quite literally. The father cares for the eggs and the young ones that hatch out of them until the young ones grow feathers to keep themselves warm. While there are quite some examples of fatherhood from nature’s basket, I can draw similarities with penguins as they share the load of rearing up the little one- isn’t it what we mothers wish for?

Presence: A loving father is not just a provider, he is a caretaker and more. After all, anyone can be a caretaker, even a grandparent or a hired help. A Penguin dad is a nurturer, he goes beyond the traditional views of being a distant onlooker in the baby’s first few weeks after birth. He doesn’t hesitate to rock the baby to sleep and bathe or massage her. He goes beyond his comfort zone and chooses to be with his partner in the heydays of the baby. After all this is what memories will be made of.

Helping hand: A Penguin dad takes active participation in stereotypical female activities like feeding, changing and cleaning the baby. The list is endless when it comes to the daily activities of a baby. They are helpless beings who need care and attention all through the day. Only when a father watches and participates closely, he can appreciate the efforts and share the responsibility of bringing up a baby.

Second mom: In this fast-paced career-driven society that yearns young mothers to join back work in sometimes less than 15 weeks, a responsible ‘second’ mother is very essential. The father needs to be more than himself, while he may not have all the maternal instincts naturally, he is required to develop similar skills. Raising a baby is a logical algorithmic live puzzle to solve, and nothing helps more than a father who can emulate the mother when she is away.

More than mums: And then there are areas which mothers struggle to score but fathers can manage with ease. Mothers are known to shower unconditional attention and pampering, sometimes to the extent of neglecting themselves. Fathers, on the other hand, can teach the babies a lesson or two by letting them be on their own and give them free playtime.

Being parents was never an easy task but with our fast-paced lives, an endearing father can increase the triumphs and tribulations of parenting. So all you mommies out there – new as well as expectant – get your partners to browse through this piece of advice. Happy Parenting!


Image via Pixabay

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New mom. Corporate Czarina. Born to read.

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