Need A Break? Have A Sip Of Goa !!

That night I realized that for a long time I had stopped living my life. I was just breathing and counting days. But that holiday came like a splash of water, it woke me up from my mundane life.

I was about to hit the alarming age of 30 in one month’s time. I was extremely unhappy with the current job (actually the boss) and cherry-on-top was my single-hood. So whenever I visited the social media sites, the only thing I used to witness my friends’ weddings, honeymoons, pregnancies and their newborn kids.

What the fuck!! I did not know what I was doing to be such a misfit to the society as per the “norms”. Working in a city like Mumbai, single and ready to mingle but bloody hell … no men in life. Whyyyyyyyy??

Well, I knew the problem, the problem was time. I was so much into work that I forgot to have a life. Well, it definitely helped me to come out my silly stupid probably seventeenth break up but, I realized I was missing the small joys of life.

So I decided to take a break from work life and get some life out there. I asked my friends, girlfriends, to plan for a trip together, some outing but no one was available like me. Out of this frustrating randomness, one day while taking a walk in the evening I booked a ticket for Goa. I did not even know what am I would do there, but I just wanted to chill alone.

I packed my bag, with all the favourite flourescent colour clothes, the shorts, the colourful and my freedom. That’s about it!

Finally, the trip started (my heart was filled with excitement and fun).  The thought was as if I was cheating on my sorrows in “pursuit of happiness”. It was an overnight trip, as I booked bus tickets instead of train or flight to enjoy every bit of the trip.

So the journey began… at around 9.45 pm the bus stopped for dinner somewhere on the way. I got down and ordered some masala dosa and coffee. Well, also I must mention that I did not have a hot co-passenger on the bus, so it was quite boring. But I had music. All the people had their food at the restaurant and the bus started to Goa again at around 10.30 pm. I was super excited to experience the journey but, it was cloudy and also rained at a few places so the excitement was more for a safe trip than watching the views outside the window.

It was middle of the night sometime like 1 o’clock I guess, I fell asleep and woke up at a sudden jerk of the bus. I was in a deep sleep so did not even realize what happened and slept off again. After an hour or so I saw everyone is getting down from the bus so I did the same.

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The bus was at the same place due to some breakdown and would not move unless help came from the nearest village of Goa. The phone battery was too low but I managed to find out that Goa was at least 300 km away from wherever I was stuck.

I loved the place where the bus broke down. It was a narrow road covered by trees from both sides, mild fog, chirping birds. I was taking a walk around and was totally in love with the unknown, peaceful, gorgeous unknown village. I clicked a lot of selfies (at least that’s what you do when you don’t know how deep is the shit you are in), photos of the place but then after a while I realized from the conversation of the driver and other passengers that there is no way to get any help for at least 3-4 hrs. So even if someone would eventually come to help, it would minimum take 6-7 hrs to reach Goa.

The unplanned trip was becoming more interesting with time. I did not know what to do, but I did not want to wait there. So I started walking on the beautiful road hoping to get lift from someone. Soon after that, I noticed a few college boys also were in search of some help. After a little while, I saw a truck, but it did not stop. This rejection was quite hurtful at that point in time. But finally, a truck stopped. Oh, what joy!

I along with those college group boarded the truck. We were five of us and there was hardly any space to sit. So I decided to sit with my legs hanging facing the road. It was pretty cold, the day was just starting, the sun was yet to be visible properly… the wind was cold but above all the experience was priceless.

The truckwala gave us lift till some closest city and advised to take a cab from there. He was such a sweetheart that for such priceless help he asked for only 25 bucks from each of us. We gave him some more in total and thanked him.

Now it was time for the next level of the game… travelling the remaining distance. In that unknown village, we found a few Innovas parked and needless to say there were charging bombs. I bought the ticket Goa at INR 1000 and the cab asked for some INR 3000. We were stuck but after much negotiations, he agreed at INR 2500 and the five of us decided to contribute INR 500 per head.

The journey was amazing and the feel of going to Goa is something surreal. Probably people who love Goa can relate to this well. After almost 2 hours or more we reached the border of Goa…

It was just amazing. I had spoken to a friend of mine who arranged for a bike and room at a reasonable cost. I was happy to find the place, it was cute, small and best part was I was free… on a holiday …

I took a quick shower, got ready and went for a ride to the beach… Calangute… Wowww such a feeling. This is priceless… Waiting for the sun to set in the sea with a bottle of beer, a smoke and some seafood.

After this lovely sunset, I went back to the hotel and planned to get some rest because the big party was planned for the night. Everything was as planned… I met my friend who was taking me around and was also supposed to find me a guy. We both chatted had some drinks together and then headed to one of the most happening pubs in Goa.

There was great music, fun crowd and his chick too… We were dancing, partying like crazy… I was having a gala time. I have no idea how many shots did I take. Towards the end of the party, I remember drinking from everyone’s glass, talking to all the strangers, dance like no one’s watching and what not. Damn…. Was that me?? Yes, it was the “happy me”.

That night I realized that for a long time I had stopped living my life. I was just breathing and counting days. But that holiday came like a splash of water, it woke me up from my mundane life.

After so many heartbreaks, difficulties of life I closed myself into a shell but, this one trip got me back to life.

It was a super awesome holiday and will remain always close to my heart. So what are you waiting for… live life 🙂


Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Indulekha Dutta

Small town girl with big size dreams !! Passionate about writing & biking. read more...

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