Husband’s Onsite Trip – A Blessing In Disguise

Meera just couldn’t even think of doing anything on her own except going to her job.

Meera is married to Krish who loves her a lot. With this love, also comes a lot of pampering. Krish gets up early in the morning, makes morning bed tea for his loving wife. Both of them then have tea together. Krish then wakes up his two kids and gets them ready for school. Meanwhile, Meera prepares the tiffin and dresses up the kids. Krish then takes the kids to the bus stop for their school bus. Later, both Meera and Krish leave for their offices. In the evening, Krish helps get any household grocery or item required.  They have hired a cook who prepares the dinner at night.  Meera looks after the homework of the kids.   On weekends, they will go for any shopping that Meera or kids need to do. Or any household repair work that needs attention will be taken care of by Krish.

Meera is so very dependent on Krish that even if she needs to get something from the market, she needs Krish to come along.  This behaviour of Meera stems from her childhood. As a kid or even during her college days, Meera would never go out alone.  If she needed anything, either her father, brother or mother would accompany her or get it for her. She never went out with friends for a local outing, leave alone trips.

Krish does get irritated at times because of this dependency but can’t help it.  While life was going all well there came news which dropped like a bomb on Meera.  It was her husband’s onsite trip, which was for a period of 6 months.  Since it was for such a short duration, Krish was asked to go alone and not with family.

Onsite assignments are an important part of a project and just cannot be rejected.  He was expected to fly in the next three weeks.   The family started with shopping and packing.  Everyone was happy and excited. But Meera was having sleepless nights.  She was tense.  And her main worry was “How the hell will I get up at 6 am?”  Meera could work the whole day without taking any rest, but snoozing the alarm and getting up late was one habit she could not get rid of.  And with Krish in her life, she never had the challenge to get up early either.  She was also tense about handling the responsibilities of the house and kids by herself.

So, finally, the D-Day arrived and Krish flew out to the U.S.  Luckily it was Saturday and Meera’s weekend went well.

Now, its Monday morning and Meera is expected to get up at 6 am. Her alarm rings and rings ..and rings. But sadly, she forgot that today it’s she who has to wake up the kids. At 7:00 am, she is woken by the doorbell and she suddenly jumps from the bed. “Aah! The school.”

Oops!  the bus is at 7:30 am. How will she get the kids ready now?  She somehow wakes up her son, quickly gets him ready and rushes to the bus stop. And the bus has already left. Well! Of course!  🙂  She then has to drive the kids to school by herself that day.  Well, not only that day, a few more for the next two weeks. Not only this, she would even miss out on getting veggies or other groceries. It was actually not her fault entirely.  Right from her childhood, she was brought up in a protective environment. After marriage, her husband took over the responsibilities. So, Meera just couldn’t even think of doing anything on her own except going to her job.

Well, Meera is a mom of two kids! That itself is no mean feat.  It didn’t take her much time to understand that it’s she who would need to change now.  She cannot do this to her kids. Going late to school and missing the bus cannot be the option.   It was time for her now to pull up her socks.  So she prepared her ToDo list of the items she needed to get from the market and the priority things which needed her immediate attention.  She also used online sites to order some items.  Bought a new alarm clock with a loud alarm.  And her new journey began from here.

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Next day Meera got up right when her alarm buzzed.  No snoozing today. She prepared the breakfast for her kids and woke them up in time today.  Since, she had to take them to the bus stop so she changed her nightgown, made her hair and was all set.  This way she got a chance to meet other mothers in her society and a great way to bond too.   She started visiting the market, started bargaining and felt confident about all this.

On top of this, to ensure her kids have great weekends, she would take them to movies, rides too.  Meera would spend her time well planned and merrily.  She knew now that she was growing as a person. She also realized the need to spend some time on her own and keep herself active.

She changed for the better! Well, her husband’s 6 months trip now was extended to 2.5 years.  Initially, what seemed to be the most difficult times for her actually turned out to be a blessing for Meera.


Image via Pixabay


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