Girl, Should You Be Feeling All Excited When Someone Says, “You Look Beautiful”?

Do you get excited when someone compliments on your looks, or dejected when you feel something is wrong with your body? Worry not. Read this.

Do you get excited when someone compliments on your looks, or dejected when you feel something is wrong with your body? Worry not. Read this.

Do you get excited and flying inside when someone says, “Hey! You look beautiful, hot, sexy, so young”, “You’ve got silky, smooth, straight hair”, “Your skin is fairly flawless, nose is sharp, lips are sexy, eyes are pretty, cheeks are bubbly”, blah blah blah….?

Of course, who wouldn’t be? It was same with me too! When someone said any one of the above things, I used to feel very high and immediately for a moment I would think “I should maintain myself more to enhance my beauty and to get more such compliments”. Funny, isn’t it?

You are beautiful!

At some point of time, I paused and questioned myself, “Why do I feel so? Does beauty refer to only physical appearance? Is it having that all mentioned above?”

Then I got the answer from deep inside “No dear, it’s not the truth! It’s not your skin, fairness, hair, eyes, nose, lips, fairness, figure, height, weight etc. You are beautiful just because it is YOU!!

If a person has everything what is defined as beauty and is very bad at heart… Then what is it called?

I agree on the point, “People who look attractive grab immediate attention of others”. I ask myself, “Why should we seek attention from people? What is it you are getting when everyone looks at you like you are an angel?” Happiness? No, not at all. It’s just temporary pleasure!

Today if society says, “You are beautiful”, the same society will judge you if they see a small flaw in you. This is happening everyday in film industry, right? People who are crazy on an actress will also judge her when she gains weight or she loses her figure or with her age etc.

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Don’t try so hard to become beautiful. Don’t feel bad for the body you are blessed with. We should understand that we cannot decide our looks by birth. It completely depends on the nature (god, power, destiny, fate, or whatever in your terms). You cannot decide your parents, family, genes. You are born as you. No one is designing your looks or body parts when you are in your mom’s womb. It’s all a natural process.

So, why can’t we accept ourselves as we are?

However you look… what you are deep inside defines you. How you act, behave on a situation, your words, your character, self-respect, what you think, whether you are true to yourself, your gratitude towards your blessings (your parents, family, education, work..), whether you value your time, whether you take care of yourself mentally and physically, your health and so many other factors…. they define how beautiful you are!

However you look, you are beautiful. Don’t judge someone by their looks. Everyone is beautiful!

Just take care about how you present yourself. Again it’s not to impress anyone, but it’s the self-confidence that you can have.

What about the ‘blemishes’ I have?

People ask me, “What about pimples, blemishes or marks on the skin?” I would like to answer, “It’s not something that you should hide or feel bad about. But it’s in your hands to get rid of them, if they bother you so much.”

Hair fall problem? Overweight? Allergic skin? Pimples? Marks? Or something else?

how to be beautiful

It’s okay, dear! It’s absolutely okay. Whatever happens to your skin/body, you should realize the fact that some of these things happen when your internal system is not proper. It happens for various reasons, such as when your blood doesn’t get what it wants, when your food doesn’t get digested properly, etc.

Observe your body, get to know what it really needs. Have a proper health routine – eating healthy food, exercise/yoga. You will definitely see amazing results; whatever bad is happening to your body will fade away.

However you are, accept and love yourself, be confident with your own body/skin/hair. Trust me, “you are beautiful” and I mean it. Just think good, do good. Smile from your heart, it’s the best thing in the world. Stop posing for pics with fake smile. Whatever it is, do from your heart.”

Ignore what people say, and your life will be awesome!!

Images source: shutterstock

Header image: YouTube

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