Casting Director Ravindranath Ghosh Gets Life For Sexually Harassing Acting Aspirant For Years

Sexual exploitation of women in the entertainment industry is unbridled but as the times are changing, many victims of sexual exploitation come out to get justice, as this shows.

Sexual exploitation of women in the entertainment industry is unbridled but as the times are changing, many victims of sexual exploitation come out to get justice, as this shows.

Every time when a woman from the entertainment industry spoke about sexual exploitation, many, often those unaware of such exploitation, would shut her down immediately by saying “she’s doing it for attention”? But as more and more women speak up, and as the media shine a light on these issues like never before, the women from the entertainment industry have begun to come out bravely to address the violence and the courts have been refusing to let go the sexual predators without proper serving of justice to the victims.

This video that tells the story of a woman exploited by the casting director Ravindranath Ghosh, who rapes, takes photos of her, and continues to exploit her for years blackmailing her with the photos he had taken. The woman ends up pregnant, and despite changing jobs, taking the matters to the court where the man is found guilty and put into prison, he continues to threaten her from jail, sending photos of her to her husband, who eventually leaves her, and her child.

In the entertainment industry, casting couch and other such sexual exploitation is so rampant that many aspiring women are left with no choice. Even if they decide to leave, just like the story of the women in the video did, the evil follows them in the form of blackmails, threats, harassment, etc.

This condemnable incident shouldn’t stand alone.

More such stories should be brought to the light by the media, so these criminals don’t escape justice. These powerful sexual predators should be named and shamed for satisfying their thirst of sexually exploiting so many aspiring artists, and should be dragged to the court. Their dignity should be stripped off their face. Every victim should get the justice they deserve. And every sexual predator should suffocate in the justice system for exploiting the women.

Image source: Blush video

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Curious student for life. Periyar, Ambedkar, & Marx fills my gray matter; but I'm no blind pop-culture follower wearing a Che Guevara on my Tee, but a critical thinker who'll question any regressive read more...

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