In 2019, Let’s Do Our Bit By Donating To These 7 Feminist NGOs

In 2019, let us resolve to lend a helping hand to these worthy feminist NGOs that work for women's rights, and be each of us instrumental in making a real difference.

In 2019, let us resolve to lend a helping hand to these worthy feminist NGOs that work for women’s rights, and be each of us instrumental in making a real difference.

A New Year doesn’t seem like a New Year if we don’t have at least one resolution in mind. Eating healthy, exercising every day, completing an educational course, starting the day with a smile, and the list goes on. Each one has their own resolution, and our friends and family often tease us about it, saying we’d forget the resolution at the end of the weekend.

But that’s the funny part of the new year, isn’t it? Knowing that it’s a brand new beginning where we can plan what we want to do and whom we want to be, not worrying about the grand leaps we take into the future.

As women, we should see the world before us with our intelligent eyes, and scream loudly that we’re excited to step into it in 2019, and the screams of happiness should echo across the globe, as a collective voice. We should feel empowered, be empowered, and should make other women feel empowered as well, as this is what this exciting New Year would be about.

Here is a list of feminist NGOs that have been doing exactly this for some years now. Let’s do our bit by donating to them in 2019?


Female Genital Cutting is a ritual of cutting/removing external genitalia of women to suppress and control women’s sexuality, ostensibly to showcase modesty, purity, as well as beauty in many cultures around the globe.

Sahiyo began in December 2015; an organization that uses a community based approache to end FGC which was found in the Bohra community. The organization revealed that FGC is prevalent even in Kerala, which is one of the most literate states in the country. Sahiyo helps end FGC in communities through research, campaigns, website, and through advocacy initiatives.

Find out more here.

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ASAP – Asia Safe Abortion Partnership

India, despite being one of the largest producers of the Medical Abortion pill, doesn’t provide the pills in its public drug schedules or programs, preventing many women from accessing safe abortions, leading the way to women accessing unsafe abortions that can be life threatening.

Asia Safe Abortion Partnership was formed in 2008 with the intention that gender equality can’t be achieved without reproductive and sexual rights, and to spread awareness among women seeking abortion using the pill, as well as to educate professionals on how to use them, with the goal to promote, protect, and advance women’s sexual, reproductive rights, and health by promoting access to comprehensive safe abortion services, and by reducing unsafe abortions and its complications.

Find out more here.

FAT – Feminist Approach to Technology

FAT empowers women by enabling them to access, use, and create technology through a feminist rights‐based framework. Their goal is to challenge the existing structures of technologies so women can be at par with it. Its mission is to increase the participation of women in STEM fields. Their vision portrays the idea of having a gender neutral usage and creation of technologies, where despite the difference in background, it helps women to face challenging technologies and benefit from them.

Find out more here.


Nazariya is a resource group formed in 2014 by a group of Queer Feminists to help sensitize the work, culture of individuals and groups that work on gender based violence, livelihoods, education, and health from a LBT perspective, with a special focus on issues and concerns of Lesbian and Bisexual Women, and Trans people assigned female at birth.

Nazariya believes in building linkages between issues faced by marginalized people, to impact the discourse on pleasure, desire, rights, and entitlements. It works towards affirming the rights of queer people by shining a light on their lives, and to create an enabling environment for the queer people. It also has a helpline that helps and counsels anyone with issues regarding gender identity and sexual orientation.

Find out more here.


CREA is a feminist human rights organization that works to advance the rights of women, and girls, and the sexual and reproductive rights freedom of everyone.

Founded in 2000, CREA is lead by feminists to work at the grassroots, national, regional, & national levels, advocating for positive social change by providing training and learning opportunities to global activists and leaders through its institutes.


LABIA, found in 1995, is an autonomous, voluntary collective of Lesbian, Bisexual women, and Transpersons (LBT), with a focus on queer and feminist activism. It’s volunteers come from varied professions, class, religious, and caste background, with the aim to work against targeted social injustice, violence, and repression by fundamentalists. They interact with queer, queer friendly, as well as students on gender, sexuality issues, as well as have a phone line for LBT persons.

LABIA takes part in legal actions, campaigns, and SCRIPS & CineLABIA is a collective zine for discussion, and monthly film screenings that serves as a social space gather, and to discuss queer, feminism, activism, etc.

Find out more here.


Prajnya is an feminist organization that focuses on peace building initiatives. It has thematic initiatives that addresses a cluster of issues such as women in politics, security of women, education for peace, etc. They focus on women’s rights, participation, gender equality, freedom from gender violence.

The Education for Peace Initiative by Prajna introduces their vision to the children, the teachers, and the parents they work with by teaching them. They also have a Politics, Security, and Women Initiative that focuses on documenting, capacity, and network building in the field of systematically studies on women in politics, their security, and their role in vital fields.

Find out more here.


About the Author


Curious student for life. Periyar, Ambedkar, & Marx fills my gray matter; but I'm no blind pop-culture follower wearing a Che Guevara on my Tee, but a critical thinker who'll question any regressive read more...

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