A Reconciliation… Between My Home And Me

Women are expected to have excellent housekeeping skills, and to want to keep a spic-n-span home. But not all women are domestic goddesses, and would like to spend the time on other things...

Women are expected to have excellent housekeeping skills, and to want to keep a spic-n-span home. But not all women are domestic goddesses, and would like to spend the time on other things…

I have let it collect;
this minor rubble of
everyday existence.

boulders of un-ironed clothes,
mirrors that need polishing,
and the fine dust that has
settled and bred on every surface.

they accuse me with their unending presence.

and I,
lousy, reluctant housewife
take a mental photograph of them.

I tear it up into little pieces
which i set on fire,
and then flush the ashes
down the sink.

we have made peace,
this daily debris and I.

we shall not look each other
in the eye,
we shall not speak
of our differences
we shall share this space.

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till one day,
under the influence of some
inspired madness
I will finally
set them free.

Image source: a still from the movie English Vinglish

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