A Hope For A Better Tomorrow

Yesterday I was looking at very old documents saved in the folder of my laptop and suddenly could see one folder named “poems."


Yesterday I was looking at very old documents saved in the folder of my laptop and suddenly could see one folder named “poems.”

The situation then and the situation now

Yesterday I was looking at very old documents saved in the folder of my laptop and suddenly could see one folder named “poems”. Getting deep into the properties, I found I had created that folder in 2007, some 11 years back. It contained a few of my old poems which I had punched-in when I got my personal laptop in 2007.

All those poems were written by me between the year 1995-1999 while I was in school and the initial years of my college and then suddenly stopped writing after getting into my first job. Then in 2007, after getting a laptop, the first thing I did was punched all my poems. While reading them yesterday I smiled at few and laughed at few because they were so naive, rhythmic and still pleasant.

Poems written some 22 years back were like treasure and could see what my mind use to ooze out at the age of 17-19 years. Out of all, there was one poem which was like an eye opener and I was shattered to read that. I am putting that poem below as it is. The words and the sense which comes out depicts a mixture of despondency and optimism and made me contemplate that some 22 years back if I carried such an emotion, then how am I able to still survive with the situations prevailing. The poem is:

The Treasure Land

Once I was asked about my dream land

I was blown to dreams as air blows the sand

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Utopia was the state I then entered

The perfection of the society really enthralled

The women were being honored for what they perform

I pity the women, who here, have born

The rights as here are there too equal for males and females

But the application of the rule is different from what here prevails

No need for women there to cry for their rights

No men, there, push her down from the great heights

Nobody there is dying of starvation

The head provides the natives full protection

The nation is not suffering from communalism

Because they possess great wit and wisdom

One power of love and strength is named as God

They all believe in the one and only one lord

The ways & routes to unite people is abstruse

But the united power is applied in good use

The frustrated youth, here, are pushed into terrorism

This has created an endless atmosphere of pessimism.

The Utopians are free from tensions of unemployment

Because the selection there is done based on an individual talent

There people don’t waste their time in squabbles

In fact, they use it in demolishing their troubles

What next, the state is perfectly perfect

The goodness of the state had made it very blessed

I wonder if we can too feel this delight

Because one who had tasted darkness can only enjoy the light

Darkness all around and hoping to have a ray of that happiness

But how, when like questions make me more perplexed

The truth is that life is a cycle of pleasures and displeasure

Serious attempts should be made to move towards that perfect treasure.


I got really uneasy after reading this and felt that the situation has gone worse in these 22 years.

An endless news on the rapes, the situation of farmers in our villages, the situation of today’s youth and their status of unemployment and how they resort to crimes and terrorism, Violence, communalism, Juvenile Delinquency, drug abuse, child abuse etc… I seriously contemplated, what had made me write this poem when I was just 17 years old. The gravity of the social issues has gone 100 times deeper now in-spite of so much development and awareness in our country.

Are the real issues behind the smoke screen created in the name of great development?

Do we really want to clear off this filth from our country?

How worst the situation can go further for our next generation, who, in the name of technology, development and what not as claimed by our politicians, are not getting a real experience of the better version of the era?

I fret when I think about the future and wonder what would be the situation 22 years back when I wrote that poem. I am sure I was hopeful for a better tomorrow and never ever imagined that the situation can be so grave.

I still hope… and this hope gives me a hope for better times in the coming years.

Image Source – Pexels

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About the Author


Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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