Why Me And My Mom Were Asked To Stand Away From The God

In a world where we are divided by religions, it is very important to understand that God is one and the most important religion is humanity. 

In a world where we are divided by religions, it is very important to understand that God is one and the most important religion is humanity. 

We have heard this often that we should be “God-fearing” which somehow we (me and my family) could never understand. Instead, we always believed in a philosophy of “God-loving” and that brings us more tranquility and positivity in life. I have seen my parents and other elders who have made no demarcations in the Gods or have always respected various religions. In fact, our belief has always been on a connection with the power who hear us incessantly and provides a support invariably in so many forms we never ever can guess. We have always believed that humanity is the best religion and sharing happiness and gratitude is the best offering to the ultimate power who we call GOD.

This true incidence I am narrating now intends no offense to any religion or beliefs but the only intention is to give a food for thought.

Recently on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, a small video got viral. I am sure everyone was exhilarated to see how a Church in Spain invited the entire Ganpathi procession folks inside the church to make the 2 Gods meet each other. It was a beautiful union of two religion at God’s place and the gesture touched everybody’s heart.  That Video took me back to an incident we experienced last year that made me wonder why God is being confined to a specific community or a place when he is nestling in every heart, every nook and corner of this earth.

We had a vacation in Goa last year and while going to a nearby beach, we diverted our route towards one of the most beautiful church. We just wanted to pray and offer our gratitude for everything.

As we were entering the church we saw a huge crowd inside and outside the church and we could hear the preaching. The church was lighted all across and it was looking heavenly.  Since the crowd was huge we decided to pray at the door of the church. I held my mother’s hand to bring her to the door where we can have a view and we could pray. I guess since we hail from North India where ladies generally wear Salwar Suit, the attire of my Mother was apparently showing our origin. Not that ladies in Western India don’t wear salwar suits but what makes me write this is the situation where out of all people in the crowd, only my Mother was questioned and thus probably her attire made a difference for them.

A man standing at the door who was looking like a coordinator of the event happening in the church, asked my mom very curtly “Catholic?”. My Mother who is one of the simplest ladies on this planet was still in a process of registering that question when I immediately responded and said “No”.

He shooed us away from the entry door and asked us to stand behind the crowd.

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It was a heartbreaking incidence and at the same time, I felt infuriated. I honestly wanted to retaliate and answer back to that Man but decided not to spoil the pious event happening and also for not giving any disappointment and poison my Mom’s little beautiful and sacred experiences she was gathering in Goa. She still innocently asked me why did he ask us to go back but I silently took her behind so that we could focus on the thing we had come there for. We prayed and left the church for our beach walk.

Though all went well thereafter, my mind was haunted by that man’s behavior and more because of his shallow mindedness. The impression of a beautiful journey we had in Goa was blemished by a small incidence of division and man-made boundaries.

I still wonder why that man who was dutiful for such religious events can’t understand what exactly his God expects from him.

What is GOD?

I am sure God is nothing but innocence, purity of heart, love and respect and he too was dismayed on seeing how his children were treated at his gate, though by his grace we made a choice to maintain the sanctity of the place and event.

I earnestly wish that we human beings understand the almighty thoroughly and see how velvety our lives can be if we can offer our heart and soul for Humanity. That would be devotion in the true sense.

Image Source – Pexels

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Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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