If I Had Got The Power To Change Something In The History Of India…

If I had a time machine to travel back in time and change something in the history of India, what would it be?

If I had a time machine to travel back in time and change something in the history of India, what would it be?

Yes, it’s a hypothetical question, a thinking project and it’s probably not of much use now. But a retrospect of the past might help us in building a better future. Unfortuately, the remnants of these continue to this day.

  1. What if someone thinks, the past is past and there is no way to return, why not I begin something right now when I am actually living in it?
  2. What if someone thinks, a certain something or the lack of it led to the present state of affairs, and make sure it does not happen now, so our children can be safer?
  3. What if someone thinks, I can now connect to what my forefathers did for my country?

I took this question to many around me, in different age group, gender and who live in the present world. This was some of their thoughts. Adding on my own comments too to the list.

If I could change something, it would be


  1. The caste system: Dividing the society into high/low based on the family of their birth simply demotivated them from striving for a better life as it was rewarded/prohibited to them by virtue of their birth and nothing they did could change their fortune (or the lack of it). It did neither the “upper” nor the “lower” any good as the former continued to be lazy and the latter was oppressed.
  2. Upliftment of women: Would provide educational opportunities for women, prevent child marriages and encourage intelligent reading and discussions among the girls/women. Respect and security of the women would be of utmost importance in the society. Ensuring the nourishment and happiness of mothers would harness a well-rounded next generation who are compassionate and purposeful in life.
  3. The practice of Sati: Block even the suggestion of Sati as soon as the idea occurred in someone’s mind. Not even one would have been allowed to follow this barbarian inhuman practice.

The British Raj

  1. Invasion by the British: Yes, the Britishers are responsible for uniting the kingdoms to form modern India. But I would rather think that we should not have let them rule us. I strongly believe if it had not been for their biased interest and gains, we would have become a superpower by now.


  1. Clean and abundant water: Form a water authority to ensure that the rivers and lakes are clean and maintained. Develop inland waterways by linking rivers.
  2. Pollution and Waste Management: Enforce necessary measures and update legislation to prevent pollution and effective handling of waste.


  1. A clear separation of politics and religion: Make a clear distinction between the two, so the junta is not biased or confused while deciding on their candidate. And for the candidates to not meddle with the religious freedom of the electorate in order to win an election.
  2. Qualified leaders: Ensure that our political leaders, who showcase our country to the outside world and who lead us, are properly trained and qualified to do their job. For any posts, there is a minimum qualification. This should be applicable to all politicians, MLAs, MPs, Presidents, Prime Ministers as well. They should be highly educated and should have deep technical knowledge in the areas of their concern. This would also curtail corruption and bureaucracy to some extent.

And last but not the least, a dear friend gave me the answer as

  1. Nothing, India is the Best!

Please comment below on this blog if any other changes you could think of, that would have positively mattered to our country.

Disclaimer: This blog is meant for healthy discussion, not for judging others. I guarantee that your comments will not be judged, and likewise, please don’t judge mine too.

Earlier Published in Author’s Blog.

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About the Author

Manju Nambiar

Manju Nambiar hails from the southern state of Kerala, India. A computer engineer by profession, she now works in one of the leading firms in San Jose, California where she lives with her husband and read more...

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