My Son Has Autism. A BIG Thank You From The Heart, To Those Who Understand & Help

Not many people understand kids with autism. My son is one of them. Here is a BIG Thank You for all those who have made our journey beautiful.

Not many people understand kids with autism. My son is one of them. Here is a BIG Thank You for all those who have made our journey beautiful.

2nd April was World Autism Awareness Day, and April is Autism Awareness month. I have written this to thank those heroes who have helped us and who have made this journey beautiful. To those who do not know my sonny boy, many of who have not even met him. To those who do not understand Autism but do understand a child.

Thank You…

To the man in the bookstore

You saw my son having a meltdown in the children’s section while surrounded by colorful books, and you saw him lying on the floor and me coaxing him to get up, surrounded with my purse, his bag, and a load of books around us. You witnessed the indifference around us, and you decided to approach us, and bend down to our level and offered me water and held him when I had a sip.

You helped me gather him up and waited for him to calm down and accompanied us out of the store. You didn’t say a single word to me but smiled. And then I knew people are not that bad.

To my wonderful neighbor

There are many things we don’t agree upon. Your views about life are totally different from mine. But still, you invite my son to your home to play with your daughter. You invite him to birthday parties and ‘bor nahan’. And now I know, how the difference of opinions of adults need not interfere when it comes to our children.

To the woman at the airport

When sonny boy looked at you while we were waiting for his father to collect luggage, and you actually looked back at him. He smiled and you smiled. You laughed and you melted. He hugged you and you loved him. I knew then that love is beyond language, time and space.

To his therapists and teachers

When you are doing what you are doing because you love children, and you want them to have a beautiful and equal chance at life. I know now that not everything is about money.

To the singers he loves

Your songs and music have been saying and calming and has helped us avert major meltdowns. I know that music is not limited to age or to disorders.

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To auto & cab drivers

When you return his smiles. I know that people acknowledge goodness and innocence.

To the house helps and cooks

When you talk to him even if he doesn’t respond, and when you try to feed him even when he refuses, when you let him take off your bindi and put it on my forehead, and when you bring over your kids to play with him, do you know how beautiful you are? I know, now, that compassion is very easy to practice.

To those friends I misunderstood once

You reached out after years of silence after hearing about him. When you stepped into my house again after years, to meet him and hug us, I know the apprehension you must have felt. You turned to be the friend I thought I didn’t have. I know that broken bridges can be mended.

To the friends who are far away

Your texts and calls go unanswered many times, but you take the trouble to dial my number. I want you to know that I feel blessed that you still think of us. You taught me that friendship doesn’t depend on daily conversations.

To the mom’s groups on facebook

You haven’t met my sonny boy but the unreserved blessings you have showered upon him, the love you have shown us has reinstated my faith in the world… thank you for picking me up when I fell down. You showed me that blessings from the heart never go unanswered.

To the kids in the park

You don’t know why my son refuses to play or respond to you, but you still persist, and you still give him a smile and approach him. You show me that children are God’s way of telling the world that he still believes in mankind.

To the moms on a similar path as me

Thank you for showing me the way, for guiding me, mentoring me, teaching me and sharing your inspiring stories with me… I wouldn’t have been able to do anything had it not been for you guys. You guys are those heroes who don’t need capes!

To my previous office

For understanding my reasons and letting me go, for telling me that the doors are always open whenever I want to return. You showed me that my work was appreciated, and that same level of commitment is all I need for my son.

To everyone out there who have not yet met him but love to hear about him

Autism has brought us closer. And I can’t thank you enough for pushing me to keep doing what I am doing…

Monday, 2nd April was World Autism Awareness Day. I know that for a neurotypical family, Autism is incomprehensible. Yet you chose to see the child and not his labels. You chose to see the fight in him, spark in him. You celebrated his tiniest achievements with us. You made us happy. I can’t thank you enough. So I dedicate this day to you!

Image source: shutterstock

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