Make These 4 Mindful New Year Resolutions Your Very Own For 2018

New Year resolutions may be a dime a dozen, but mindful new year resolutions can surely make a difference to your life!

New Year resolutions may be a dime a dozen, but mindful new year resolutions can surely make a difference to your life!

While most of us think New Year resolutions are a fad of the millennium, this phenomenon has been around since the ages. The Romans offered prayers to their gods for a blessed new year and made vows to be better human beings. Quite some religions have a practice of reflecting upon ones’ wrongdoings and seeking forgiveness.

Whatever be the creed, the underlying concept is of self-improvement. So while self-improvement is a continuous process, it has become a tradition to set a goal for personal change at the start of the year as a new innings begin.

I believe it is an exercise worth pursuing; after all, we hardly pause in our busy lives to reflect upon personal goals. Under the guise of drawing up New Year resolutions, it is better take to stock of ones’ traits and decide which ones to shed by replacing them with better ones.

As a busy woman, whether juggling womanhood and motherhood or balancing work and home, we women constantly feel the need to better ourselves. And with the New Year countdown ticking now, what better way to do it than set goals for yourself here and now!

Spread love all around

Keep in touch with friends, nurture ties with siblings, spoil your parents and make special efforts to rekindle the sparkle with your partner. They are all part of your social fabric; take time out and cherish your moments with them – less online and more offline. Last but the most important, love thyself. Find time to exercise, pamper yourself to beauty treatments once a month and work towards a healthy, youthful you.

Become more conscious of here and now 

Stay more involved in the present than brooding about the past or being on tenterhooks about the future. Loosen up to be able to laugh about mistakes you and others make. Slowdown from the mad rush of daily life and spend more time in thinking before you speak or act – it can make a sea change of difference to your interactions with others and your reputation. Pursue your interests deeply; you have been acting on them but in a shallow manner so far, now is the time to follow your heart.

Keep calm and let go 

Delegate and forget to meddle. Do not micromanage – whether your subordinate at work or your nanny or your parent’s care taker. Once you pass on the responsibility, instill confidence and keep mentoring from time to time. We women need to build systems in order to protect and nourish our families and children – so do not try to do it all and fail miserably. Keep cool and build your aides as a marching commander would.

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Keep upgrading yourself

In today’s ever changing world, staying updated is a must to stay young! Whether it is news or fashion, parenting or workplace skills, being aware about trends helps you stay sharp and be connected to the world. Need not be a ‘encyclopedia’ but be a ‘inshorts’ is what is demanded these days. With the truckload of information available, use filters wisely and stay on top of things.

So ladies, armed with these, set yourself on a journey of self-fulfillment in the year 2018. Begin the year with realistic and measurable goals. Keep monitoring your progress and stay on track. A goal for a quarter of the year is a doable thing. And what better than coaxing a ‘partner in crime’ who also sets New Year resolutions for herself/himself. As they say share your goals and they no longer can be forgotten.

Happy New Year girls, may you be ‘your best self so far’ in the year 2018!

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New mom. Corporate Czarina. Born to read.

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