Hey Woman! Are You Marriage Material?

Have a successful career? Great! But woman, can you run a household? Can you cook? Are you marriage material? #WomenOnTheMove

Have a successful career? Great! But woman, can you run a household? Can you cook? Are you marriage material? #WomenOnTheMove

Marriage – the sole purpose of human existence and by Indian standards – the ULTIMATE aim of our lives. This purpose touches all — be it a man or a woman. That said, I assume it wouldn’t be surprising to say that women are viewed more keenly through the ‘marriage material’ lens than men, isn’t it?

A woman might be making history through her work but can she make ’round rotis’? She might be touching great heights in her professional life but can she run a household? In our society, it doesn’t matter how good a woman is at her work, her achievements don’t matter either. What matters is if she can cook, clean, run a household etc. If yes, then great; if not — then my dear, sorry to say but you are no good! Your future is doomed! Your life is a waste!


Last week, in our weekly #WomenOnTheMove chat over at Twitter, we discussed what does ‘possible marriage material’ mean? Is this another form of societal stereotype? Does it affect the lives of men and women equally or women are more at the receiving end than men?

This is what #WomenOnTheMove said.

What is ‘marriage material’?


When do you become marriage material?



Interesting, no?! Point to note here — “finishes her education” might be finish her professional studies or graduation or for that matter Class V! See you don’t understand — in India, only marriage and children can justify a woman’s birth, achievements can be kept in silos for men!

So let’s move on. The next big question is…

What makes you marriage material?

In other words, the PERFECT INDIAN BAHU!


Are the rules same for all genders?

Makes me wonder, does Indian society treat men and women differently when it comes to being “possible marriage material” or do men have it easy and women get the hard share? Let’s see what #WomenOnTheMove had to say.

See! And you thought Indian society is only mean to women. You only think about yourself! Men face it equally, Da; or do they? Here’s another thought.

Funny, no! As if career is only meant for men. A woman’s career is just a time pass till she “settles down”!


What are the factors that fuel these stereotypical clichés?

About time we do away with these archaic benchmarks that put men and women within pre-defined brackets of gender roles. About time we #UnStereotype.


Image: Pixabay

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Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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