This Country Needs A Revolution To Stop Rapes, Not Just Laws That Are Poorly Implemented!

Even if we have laws, they are so poorly implemented, that it has become impossible to stop rapes from happening as long as the mentality of rapists does not change!

Even if we have laws, they are so poorly implemented, that it has become impossible to stop rapes from happening as long as the mentality of rapists does not change!

In an age when open letters are a trend, it barely matters if an article has an intro, a context and a conclusion. With rapes happening as if there’s nothing unusual about them, it is time I ditch the rules of polite writing to bring out a voice that wants to see an end to this cycle of crime that has made India its home. Enough has been talked about bringing the offenders to book.

No talking about a Baba or a Boss anymore.  

No rants. No news pieces. No poems.

A lot has been lectured on, laws have been formed but the million dollar question is–

‘How does one get to see an end to this?’

Perhaps am not a ‘someone’ but I am a woman and I believe it is the psychosis to blame in a rapist rather than his sexual urge. Can we thus, say that these guys have a penchant for such offence? Well, what else keeps them going?

Candle marches, security checks, dharnas- every tested formula has failed to counter rape and sexual assault. 

Change, now, has to come from every home. Every girl being born needs to be brought up without the ideals of marriage around her. The dads need to stop saving for her nuptials and rear her to be a career woman. The day we give up the diktats of the chunni, the veil and the purdah completely, will be the day when a woman knows she is not going to be a victim.

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Many have slammed questions on “supermen’s” faces, that see no answer coming. I ask India — why depend on a celeb or a PM Modi or even someone else in power to do justice? It is the right of every woman to speak up and take the bull by its horn. Secretly though I know that if the supermen of our nation want, they can do a lot more than one can imagine! But then that’s another tale.

Mentalities need to change. Men need to be handed the ‘belan’ to see it takes balls to be a lady.

Why not conduct an experiment?

Dismiss the men from offices and substitute women instead for a month.

Let the women be cabbies and spit on a man’s dignity for a night?

Let us hang the offenders without the luxury of trial.

We do not care a damn anymore, people. We are fed up of being checked out and being judged. Our integrity as Indians has gone to the dogs.

We don’t want western style food joints when the men at counters are lechers; we want an uplifted culture wherein a woman is not objectified. What do you need for this PM Modi?

Rules? Norms? Laws? I will tell you what you need — GUTS — To get hold of an offender and put him to the deepest corner of hell. When India can take pride in Khajuraho, why does it go to the drain when a guy sees a lady at night?

Reassess your manhood, guys. It is not for fluke that revolutions break out. India needs a revolution. One that beheads the chauvinistic trait of a man that makes him feel superior enough to not hold ‘it’ in his pants! One that brings in safety for women!

It is time to rise Mr. Modi. It is time to bash them up people! Strike now or never.

Apologies if this is too rude an article, but then this is just as I have thought in my head, since the shameful many incidents that for our culture regularly!

Let’s await a revolution to sweep India – and while we wait, let us prepare to be part of it.

Image source: pixabay

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Career comes through. Money flows through. Love sails through. None of this is exclusively life. Life happens. Satarupa lives life to the lees. Yes yes she lifted this from Ulysses, so what!? She is well read more...

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