O Woman! Don’t Let People Push You To Be What You Don’t Want To Be!

Society will always try to make women fit its idea of the ideal woman. Should you let yourself be pushed to be what you don't want to be? NO!

Society will always try to make women fit its idea of the ideal woman. Should you let yourself be pushed to be what you don’t want to be? NO!

We the WOMEN are forcefully driven by the society to be what we aren’t supposed to be or must be. This piece of mine urges you to break those walls, set yourself free (not from responsibilities, but mental chains) and be the person who you really are….Be yourself, because that is what will keep you happy and thus your family happy. Don’t try to search for happiness outside you!

Don’t be a Superwoman, stay yourself

Being strong and independent is good. But that doesn’t mean you need to prove yourself to be an incarnation of a Goddess with eight hands! You don’t want to be a burden on anyone? Fine. But that doesn’t mean they become a burden on you and make you a Superwoman. The tag is enticing but the result is stress, loneliness and isolation at the end. Remember, you are here to live a happy, stress-free, content life… not to Save the Earth! But yes, that doesn’t mean you can laze around! Stay active!

It is OK to be anxious at times

Anxiety doesn’t come only to those who have the disorder. It comes to those as well, who want to get the best out of their efforts. You know what you are dealing with, none other knows it better. So don’t pop pills just because someone has called you an ‘anxious creature’ or ‘hyper soul’. No two people are the same. You know your strengths and weaknesses. Balance it out.

Cut-off from the unnecessary

Time brings out the reality of people and relations as it passes by. Do not try to hold onto things or people who come with a mask. Remember, it is better to cut off toxic ties than to let them poison your life.

Be it relatives or friends, if they are meant to stay, they will. If your conscience is clear, what else matters? Do not abuse your soul to maintain unnecessary bonds. You are not born to please everyone if it is at the cost of your self-respect or mental health. Brave it up, cut it off!

No need to re-build on broken trust

Don’t take bullshit. High time you realise your worth. Betrayals, broken heart, cheating, broken trust are not something wooden that can be mended. It is all glass, once shattered will never be the same.

Don’t be an object to be misused and reused again. Be loyal to those who are proud of you, who care for your loyalty…don’t bother about those who didn’t return the same emotion. If you can meet your eyes in the mirror, learn to move off and move on!

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A boring day is fine, take a break

Bugged by the feeling of getting bored at times? It is OK. You need that break. Whether a working woman or a home-manager, you are on your toes all the time. So just enjoy a day of getting bored, lazing around and pampering yourself. You deserve it!

What are you sad for? Is it worth your time?

That creepy feeling of being at the lowest point of your life. We all are hit by it some point or the other. But then no two days are the same. Even our fingers aren’t the same, as says my husband. So why let that feeling envelope you for long? Is it worth your time?

Yes, time. Time is flying, make hay while the Sun shines. Life is too short to be sad about things…most of which aren’t under your control. Take a lesson, bounce back!

Take it Easy, Don’t Rush…Always

All of us at times feel that 24 hours a day aren’t enough. Something or the other remains left out, to be done. But isn’t that OK? Isn’t a delay better than rushing up things, getting stressed and then inviting medical troubles like hypertension, depression, insomnia etc?

I am not encouraging procrastination here. Finish what is there on the platter, just don’t overload it and try to gobble up all hurriedly because the party will be over soon. Don’t be a racing car always; remember its tyres too need a change after each event! And changing your heart or kidneys if it gives up under stress will cost your family a lifetime!

Why regret the past or live in it?

Be it a mistake or a blunder or another instance in life, always remember we are just mere puppets to destiny. Learn from it, don’t live in the past and try move on as soon as you can. Regret and living in it will take you nowhere. Let bygones be bygones, because a woman leads the house in totality… and she has to be happy from within, without remorse to lead a happy family. Live in the present, live for yourself and live happy.

Relive your Childhood

I always make it possible to catch up somehow with those whom I grew up with. Deep down inside we all feel like going back to our childhood. Because it was stress-free. We can’t sit in a time machine to go back, but we surely can relive the happy memories by visiting our childhood buddies.

So do it once in a while, it boosts your will to live in joy. Friends are forever, don’t give-up on them…find time for yourself, for them, because certain bonds are unbreakable. Plan a holiday with them, the more, the merrier!

Stop living in the Future – Present is Life

Strong, independent, happy yet not content. Because you are still insecure. Why? Because you are living in the future. Future that is so uncertain!

An acquaintance died recently in a car accident. She was to get married three days later. Was rushing to be home to save time for pre-wedding rituals. Speeding up the car from worktown to hometown she thought, was the only option. She had attempted this in the past and succeeded. This time, she couldn’t. Future was uncertain, she was perhaps living in an insecurity what will the in-laws think if she reaches late etc, etc. And what now?

There are many an examples otherwise too when we push ourselves beyond our limits, just because we want a secure future. A future that brings it’s own mysteries and chemistries unfolding surprises each day. Planning is good but over-planning and going bonkers to execute isn’t. Plan it up and take life as it comes.

In short, O woman don’t try to be what you aren’t supposed to be. Stay human, stay a Woman!

Image source: By Yosarian (Own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons, for representational purposes only.

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Mahima Sharma

Independent Journalist & Winner of 2 Trophies at the Orange Flower Summit & Awards, 2017 (Ex-News Editor CNN-News18 & ANI- a collaboration with Reuters) read more...

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