I Don’t Feel Overwhelming Love For My Baby — The Reality Of Postpartum Depression #WomenOnTheMove

Postpartum depression is a serious mental health condition that new mothers often face. It can occur in the weeks or months following child birth.

Postpartum depression is a serious mental health condition that new mothers often face. It can occur in the weeks or months following child birth. 

Studies suggest that almost a quarter of women suffer from postpartum depression in the first year of giving birth. However, it won’t be surprising if the real numbers are higher than this. Postnatal depression is often missed, misjudged or misdiagnosed.

The feeling of being trapped in an unending loop of chores, broken sleep, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility sometimes becomes too overbearing for a new mother. Some of the common symptoms of postpartum depression include feeling low, tired and lethargic, inadequate, irritable, tearful and unable to cope, loss of appetite, insomnia etc.

Childbirth may be natural, but that doesn’t usually mean it is easy. On one hand new mothers struggle to cope up with the radical change in their lives and on the other societal and cultural expectations of embracing motherhood with an overwhelming feeling of love since day one, fuels the inhibiting sense of loss and makes it hard to reveal unhappiness.

In our weekly #WomenOnTheMove chat over at Twitter, this week we discussed how postpartum depression or post natal depression affects women and what can be done to address this problem. Read on to find out.

(If you’re not yet following Women’s Web on Twitter, do now, and you can come over for the chat too, every Wednesday 6-7 PM IST).

Why postpartum depression is a difficult subject to diagnose and address?

Postpartum depression is largely ignored or not known

Dangers of postpartum depression

How can we help new mothers?

Postpartum depression affects everyone — for some it’s more, for some it’s less

Many say modern moms have it easy. Do they?

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Image: Pixabay


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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