Moms, Stop Judging Other Moms. Start Empowering!

Parenting is a herculean task and there is no fool-proof parenting method.  Shouldn't we stop judging mothers for wanting some me-time?

Parenting is a herculean task and there is no fool-proof parenting method.  Shouldn’t we stop judging mothers for wanting some me-time?

“Judging others does not define who they are. It defines who you are.

“Oh! Just having 1 child is lot easier than having 2 and imagine I have twins! Your life is so much easier than mine,” said K.

And this was the beginning of the conversation, when I met one of my close friends, after almost 2 years.

Every day, mothers experience some level of judgement for the choices they make. It’s is weird to see that so many people are so comfortably opinionated about how we raise our kids. As parents, especially mothers, raising a kid irrespective of the number is a mammoth task. There are no easy shortcuts. And there is nothing wrong in moms wanting some me-time!

Each one of us does the same work–feeding, burping, putting them to sleep, preparing for the next meal time, and then it goes again, almost like a vicious cycle, day in and day out. And in the process each one of us loses sleep, gets tired, and over-works ourselves; because the child is not the only responsibility, whether we are a stay-at-home mom or a working professional. Then why do we judge another mother who is struggling with her toddler who has slathered himself on the floor of the supermarket, throwing a massive tantrum; or a mother who doesn’t breast-feed her baby; or a mother who returns to work soon after giving birth!

The #EndMommyWars Film by Similac, is a call-to-action initiative that aims at empowering moms and feel confident about the decisions they make for their families and in turn, support other moms who do the same. Take a look and let us know your thoughts.

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Image source: exhausted mom sleeping alongside baby by Shutterstock.


About the Author

Jyotishree Mohanty

A part time backpacker, an accidental baker, a doting mother, a loving wife, a pampered daughter, an inspired blogger, an amateur photographer read more...

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