Ageing Gracefully With Silver Stars On My Head

​Ageing gracefully is all about maturity - we need to accept that women have grey hair and wrinkles which are actually signs of a life well lived.

​Ageing gracefully is all about maturity – we need to accept that women have grey hair and wrinkles which are actually signs of a life well lived.

​I have touched thirties and with it, I came face to face with the harsh reality of life. I have officially become a grown-up and ‘middle aged’ now. The lush black crop of my head has now many new visitors, who will soon become the permanent members, by overtaking the black. Yes! very soon the black will give way to white, but we don’t call them so. As the word ‘white’ sounds so harsh and constantly may remind us, especially the ladies and mommies, about getting old and aged.

​For white hair, on my or your head we use a much more sober or (may call it a more sophisticated term) ‘grey’ hair, where we console ourselves with the hope and possibility of still having the black hair. Well a mix of ‘black’ and ‘white’ colour does give us ‘grey’ so term grey is used frequently. But, apart from this there are several other ways to console ourselves, we may term our ‘greying hair’ as a ‘salt and pepper’ look or even as silver streaks.

​Trust me I am still coming to terms with my grey hair, am I getting old! Should I flaunt my salt and pepper look or go in for regular parlour visits for camouflaging? Am I fighing a losing battle? Should I accept my fate and defeat?

I confess that I have googled endless times for help. Tried a number of remedies, from Yoga to rubbing of my finger nails, even tried home remedies, such as washing my hair with herbal product and even henna-dyed my hair, in order to avoid chemical products, but all in vain.

Do we really have to get so worked up about what is a natural process?

We women are constantly told that we are supposed to be eternally youthful with sparking skin and toned body. Men with grey hair may be considered to be having mature and attractive looks but ladies are labeled as old and unattractive. With first strand of grey and crows feet near our eyes, we feel that our stagnation process has started. We dread aging, but this is the law of nature, we can’t be sweet 16 or forever 21. ​

Grey hair could be attributed to various reasons such as stress, pollution, chlorinated water, unbalanced diet or aging, and especially in ladies after child-birth. Lets accept aging gracefully, we are not mannequins but humans, made of flesh and blood, who cry, smile, laugh, and get laugh lines as well. So chill and relax, otherwise graying will increase with tension and stress.

Ageing gracefully

​Rather welcome these signs of aging with grace, to age gracefully. Yes till recently I was worried, but now, I proudly flaunt my ‘shades of grey’. Yes, I have developed fabulous hair that sparkles with my all natural non-chemical grey highlights. Yes, I may claim to have become wise with my greys, my wisdom highlights.

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Going grey is a pivotal moment in woman’s life. You may opt for dyes or go natural with grey shades. Let your hair follicles breathe, show-off your hair-roots. It is the God gifted graffiti on you. So display it proudly.

​Well, about my salt and pepper look, I give the credit to my experience and hard labour. The sleep-deprived nights, the parenting stress has majorly contributed to my streaks of grey. And I am not complaining, as these are the stripes of motherhood given to me by my ‘suns’ and ‘moons’ yes these are my silvery twinkling stars, on my head of course.

​Let us take all this in a optimistic and a jovial way. Let positively spread.

​Aging gracefully is all about maturity and if it is complimented and accompanied with grey hair, then it becomes more like ‘an icing on the cake’.

​Having grey hair is not a problem but rather it is a ‘silver lining in the black clouds’, so ladies just enjoy and make hay while the sun shines.

Image source: woman with grey hair by Shutterstock.


About the Author


A woman of today ,I love to travel and live life simple and happy. Writing for me is an outlet to my emotions, which I can visit again and again. And yes learnt the hard read more...

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