The Peculiar Case Of A New Age Supermom A.K.A. The Jugaadu Mom

Here's a funny take on the 'Jugaadu Mom' - the new age supermom who manages to tick off all the boxes, stripping their kids of a childhood they deserve.

Here’s a funny take on the ‘Jugaadu Mom’ – the new age supermom who manages to tick off all the boxes, stripping their kids of a childhood they deserve. 

“Hands that rock the cradle, rule the world.”

The above saying is an absolute truth with a slight variation in today’s time and age – apart from rocking and ruling, the juggling and negotiating moms are the need of the hour, and an amalgamation of both in equal mix, whom I call the Jugaadu Mom, is the most happening thing.

How I wish, I was a Jugaadu Mom! I mean the one who can go to any extent for her kids. Well, one would say, ‘what is the big deal in that?‘ After all every mother does that for her kids.

Well, she is not a regular mother, worrying about her children, but she is a superwoman. Not only is she a multitasker, but also one from the hyperactive breed.

She not only enrols and rolls her kids to every hobby class but also makes sure she gets along with other moms, whose kids are in that group.

Well, some label her as a pushy mom, a tiger mom or even a helicopter mom.

But she is much beyond all of this, she makes sure that in every social group she leads the way, despite her child’s disinterest in any class or activity, fulfilling the dual purpose of socialising with other mothers, and not wasting time in the process.

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She is a lesson to a lazy bum like me, where her regular updates on social sites gives me a jolt every now and then.

She is a hotshot, with a never ending friend list in a real or virtual world, and even makes sure that her kids make more friends, courtesy her attitude. She loves hogging the limelight, but if that does not work, the art of pleasing is applied. By hook or crook – her fundamentals are clear.

She is in total contrast to a bad mom like me, she is continuously working towards enhancing the social skills of her child – a skill much needed for the future development of any child.

She believes in car pools, night stays, sleep overs, day outs, diet plans, as well as keeping a close tab on the development of other children too.

Unlike a slow mom, she keeps pace with the latest happenings and believes in fast learning.

She is the cream of Parents Teacher Association, to an extent that she has very conveniently converted PTA to ‘Pushy Mom’s Association (PMA)‘.

She has a major say in upcoming events at school with access to any corner of the school at any point of time.

Her opinion is valued to an extent that we follow her blindly, with unquestionable faith.

Her Gift of the Gab impresses the teachers. With her contributions in charity in school events, she marks her presence.

She truly believes in competitive parenting, her sole purpose of life. Her kids are her social extension. An ambitious project, where she believes in ‘early to bed‘ for her kids, but takes them for late night parties as well, where her children missing school the next day is not a big deal with her.

She is the front row mom, the gatecrasher and also a gate greeter.

The first to extract information from the teachers and the school staff.

Jack of all trades, and the master of jugaad.

The warrior mom – the snobbish, snubbing and the tactful one.

The networking mom.

Kids now days, do not say that “mere pass maa hai” but rather say “mere pass Jugaadu maa hai” because she does not believe in crying or cribbing but has a go-getter’s attitude.

With her Jugaadu attitude she moulds the behaviour and reaction of her children towards others.

In this day and age when celebrities are proudly flaunting their baby bumps with designer dresses and stilettos, hiding their babies from the media to grant them a normal childhood, and in the same breath pushing them towards the same media and making them face the limelight with flashbulbs; what is wrong with being Jugaadu moms – they too act and react accordingly.

They are pushy-cushy moms. After all, it is the time and age of competition and competitive moms.

What is left to ponder is – In this mad rush for giving every possible opportunity to her child, does she forget that the little one shouldn’t be pushed around so much that the kid loses out on its childhood?

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Image Source: By Intel Free Press [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons


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A woman of today ,I love to travel and live life simple and happy. Writing for me is an outlet to my emotions, which I can visit again and again. And yes learnt the hard read more...

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