18 Things You Really Miss About Being Pregnant – Once It Is Behind You!

Whether an easy or difficult pregnancy, it is a memorable time for sure! What do you miss about being pregnant? Share!

Whether an easy or difficult pregnancy, it is a memorable time for sure! What do you miss about being pregnant? Share!

A few days ago, I was at a mall when I happened to observe several pregnant women. I have this hypothesis that these things happen in cycles; like there are times when I see so many expectant mothers, and times when I don’t seem to know any one on the journey to motherhood.

As a mother today, that phase of life is behind me. However, I thought, why not go back to memory lane and list down what any woman misses about pregnancy when it is behind her?

Here you go.

  1. That one thought which all women go through:Am I ready to be a mother” or “Will I be a good mother!” – almost every pregnant woman goes through such phases, feelings and thoughts of self-doubt. Well, let me tell you that once you are a mother, you just are a mother. There is no time to think, prepare or judge. You just got to do the job – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year! Sigh! So, well, you are a mother. Period.

  2. Eat what you want, when you want and how you want without a care in the world. You can do it at any time in life – but let me tell you it feels 200% right when you do it during pregnancy!

  3. People checking on you randomly – friends, family, neighbours, etc. – to ask if you are feeling OK! After that, all calls or messages are usually for the kids!

  4. Random stories, unsolicited advice and feedback – the number of pregnancy myths, stories and tales that exist is countless. But now, I miss them as they would always make you really wonder if there was any truth to them at all

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  5. A view of the aspiring-astrologers (future/fortune tellers) in your network – everyone wants to predict if it is a boy or a girl. Come on! There’s a 50% chance that you are right. Then, those whose predictions came true will claim credit for the rest of your life – yes, as though they played a part in the pregnancy!

  6. Natural glow on your skin. There is something about what pregnancy does to you as a woman that brings out a beautiful natural glow – I don’t know if it is the hormones, happiness or something else. But it shows!

  7. Sharing notes with pregnant mothers – again, what you can share/talk and express is best left for behind closed doors! But I think women open up and lose a lot of inhibitions at this phase of life

  8. Never ending photography sessions – when people fuss over you to take your pictures

  9. Getting assistance even when you may not need it. Who does not like a little extra help and attention? With chivalry/ sympathy/empathy in the list of dying virtues – this does feel good

  10. Saying what you want to say – and getting away with it – without an explanation or care in the world. Hormones speak more than they should – many times!

  11. Doing what you want to do – and getting away with it – without an explanation or care in the world. Again, hormones (mis)behave more than they should – many times!

  12. Getting your spouse to fulfil any (and every) whim and fancy – after that, you have to wait till your kids start talking and route in the requests to Papa!

  13. Telling yourself, “It’s OK! I’m doing this for my child” when actually the only reason you are doing it is to satiate yourself

  14. Indulging in ‘retail therapy’ – with the pretext that you’ll never really be the same again! From experience, I can say that neither you nor life will ever be the same again!

  15. Baby shopping. The joy in buying the first baby clothes or baby stuff. I still remember the very first attire I bought for my baby, and I know I will keep it with me for a long, long time!

  16. Doctor Visits/Scans. As much as many of us don’t like visits to the hospitals, this is one time when you look forward to meeting your doctor so she says, “All is well“; not to mention – the rendezvous with your baby through the scans!

  17. Genuine attempts to make positive changes in life/lifestyle. Again, almost all mothers I know promised or swore to make positive changes in their life/lifestyle for their kids and future. I don’t think anyone kept it up beyond pregnancy.. But whatever! It is the hope and intent which counts

  18. Playing a part in co(-creating) life. There is some unexplainable magic! While you may understand the physics, chemistry and biology in creating human life, the divine element of creation is beyond human comprehension

As I sign-off, I can say this – It is possibly one of the most memorable phases of life…the ending of one chapter and beginning of a new one…with the birth of your child, you are a new YOU!

What do you miss the most from those bygone pregnancy days? Leave a comment to let me know.

Woman holding a mom sign pic via Shutterstock


About the Author

Nischala Murthy Kaushik

Working Mom • Marketologist - Digital Artisan - Brand Storyteller • Ideapreneur • Writer - Blogger - Columnist • IIMB Alumni • Mentor • Horizon Gazer • Alchemist • Creator - Connector - Catalyst - Collaborator - Community Builder • Chief Happiness Officer of my Life read more...

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