‘I Am Not Other Girls’ We Say, But Something So Magical About Female Friendships…

Isn't it ironic that the women that we dread the most, are the women who teach us most about life in our female friendships?

Those girls

I don’t even have that many females friends

I don’t really vibe with them.

I can’t put on that much make up.

We have all been that girl.

No I am not like “them”

“Them” hmm…who are “them”

They are us. The women we dread becoming are all of us.

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The world has somehow convinced us it is uncool to be women enough and we fell for that trap.

And being like a man is our goal

But today i am not gonna talk about all this

I am gonna talk about how

While glorifying male friendships and their unmatchable loyalty we forgot where we all learnt friendship from.

And when it comes to our girlfriends, ironically none of them would feel like “those” girls.

People say men are big at their hearts, they would do anything for their friends, rather brothers

But I have never come across a girl who wouldn’t become your savior when you need a pad and mind you they may not even know your name.

People say women gossip a lot.

But these are the women who would sit with me through the nights in my hostel room listening to stories when I would feel I would never be understood.

People say women fight over petty things

I can’t say so, because my girls would help me get up from my bed on days when the cramps feel too much and the world would think I am just  overreacting over petty things

People say women are jealous

But then why do we say that behind every successful person there is a woman?

They say women are silly

Well I agree coz these are the women who would listen about every silly thing about your every silly conversation with your crush…

I don’t know who are those girls who we do not want to become like

But I just want to ask you

Isn’t it ironic that the women that we dread the most, are the women who teach us most about life in our female friendships?

Image source: a still from the film Cocktail

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About the Author

Ishita Sarkar

A writer, anchor and a spoken word artist trying to keep my voice in a world that merely wants to listen. read more...

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