Cooking Is A Skill, And My Dad And Husband Vouch For That!

Dear men, if you flaunt your ignorance with pride and claim that you do not even know how to light up a gas stove, the joke is on you. Grow up!

Scenario 1

Janaki mami is at a wedding. There is an air of celebration all around. But mami is glancing at her watch every five minutes. She has to reach home by 11 o’clock. For her husband, Raman mama is at home. Whispering a polite thank you to the hostess, she takes an auto. Mama is not angry, but mami rushes to the kitchen to prepare rasam and rice. Mama can’t even boil water or prepare the decoction in the coffee filter. 

Scenario 2

Rani is having a delightful time with her neighbours. The clock strikes eight, and she gets up with a gasp. She smiles, “your dada will have a fit if I don’t serve him luchis by nine.” As soon as she enters her home, she is met with a furious Shib. “Do you realize you forgot to even give me tea?” he hisses at her. Rani keeps mum, clouded by guilt for a mistake she didn’t commit. 

I have presented two scenarios here. Raman mama has not raised his voice. On the other hand, Shib is radiating with anger. You must have observed a common thread runs through the two scenarios. The men cannot cook to save their lives. They have been conditioned to believe that cooking is ‘menial job’ or maybe complicated job that is better left to ladies. 

Cooking is a life skill that everyone should know!

Cooking is a life skill. Some say it is an art. While I don’t disagree with the latter, I’m in not one to dish out a spread as they do in those Master Chef series. In a day and age when online delivery has frequent unforeseen delays and the house cook keeps taking emergency leaves, there is only one thing that can come to your rescue – your cooking skills. 

My appa has always been fond of experiments in the kitchen. His confidence developed to the extent that neighbours looked forward to Diwali for his box of Mysore pak. After my amma’s sudden demise, relatives were worried about him. “How will he eat?” they pondered and worried. They were surprised when I told them that he could manage very well and can even rustle up sambhar & poriyal in a jiffy. 

My hubby and I share kitchen duties

My hubby has also seen womenfolk slog inside the kitchen. He resolved to learn cooking so that his future wife doesn’t toil like a donkey in front of the burners. When it comes to kitchen work, there is a clear division of labour we adhere to. Breakfasts are taken care of by me, as he is off to work by 7am. He comes home to prepare dinner, as I’ve to remain logged in until 9pm. 

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Sundays are the only day we get to eat together in peace.  He prepares rotis while I deal with sabjis. I cannot make round rotis while he is adept at that. South Indian food is not his forte, so he pitches in by dicing vegetables, putting rice to boil, and frying papadams. So by the time we polish off the food, we are equally tired or sleepy like a well-fed python. 

Yes, my appa and hubby can cook and more men should too!

My appa and hubby do not just share the same name, but do share similar beliefs. They make the lives of their women easier. Men like them can navigate difficulties better because they don’t stay hungry. After all, who can think with a clear head on an empty and grumbling stomach? 

Dear men, there is no shame in cooking. But yes, if you flaunt your ignorance with pride and claim that you do not even know how to light up a gas stove, the joke is on you. Grow up!

Image source: a still from the film Once Again

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Narayani Manapadam

I am an IT professional, lost in the monotonous world of Excel. So, I seek refuge in Word, pun intended. I write for various literary platforms and have quite a few anthologies to my credit. read more...

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