How To Cure ‘Log Kya Kahenge Syndrome’ In India?

After Aadhar card, the only other card that is carried by all human beings in India and even worldwide is the card of "log kya kahenge."

After Aadhar card, the only other card that is universal and is carried by all human beings in India and even worldwide is the card of “log kya kahenge.” (what will “People” say).

You know by now how important it is to have a proper Aadhar card with all your details correct on it, the next single most thing that rules your life is the card that you carry in your head, “log kya kahenge”, without having their nod you just cannot do anything.

After diabetes, the only other disease that is making lives of people miserable is the disease of “log kya kahenge”.

Log kya kahenge is a curable disease!

It is not difficult to reverse diabetes and to keep it in check, but we don’t, similarly the log kya kahenge disease is easy to get rid of, but we don’t do that. We live with the two for most part of our life.

If you are a woman, you already have a whole list of approving authorities who will have to approve to you what have to do and what not to do, when to do, why to do, why not to do, without their approval you cannot do anything.

This “Log” from log kya kahenge are the final approver who will decide what you will do and what not, you just cannot do anything without their final buy in and their nod.

By now you would have realized how powerful these people are in the life of human beings, more so in the life of a woman. We women anyway love to give away the control of our lives to whoever we are told to give and then live happily ever after.  Small correction, we live ever after, happily can be dealt.

How to cure log kya kahenge syndrome?

If you are one of them who is severely affected by this log kya kahenge syndrome, it is terrible. I am going to give you a quick check to tell you how to check if you are affected and not to worry also simple DIY cure to slowly and steadily get rid of them.

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If you are someone who has to ask these “log” for every decision you make in your life, you are in the last stage of this syndrome, if you do ask them only few times, then it is acute. If you don’t consider them, then you are free from the damn syndrome.

Like all ailments today, there is a cure for this too, and you can be this syndrome free if you are consistent in following the instructions shared.

How to check if you are suffering from this syndrome

Answer these questions:

  • When you are short of money, do these “log” pay your bills any of the month?
  • When you are going through stress and sadness, do these “log” come and stand with you?
  • When you are having a rough day, do these “log” come to pep you up?
  • Do these “log” pay your college fees and your pocket money?
  • Do these “log” come to see you and your family when you need them?
  • Do these “log” help you find a job?
  • Do these “log” do your chores for you
  • Have these “log” cooked for you when you were unwell?
  • Have these “log” sponsored your home loan \ education loan \ vehicle loan?
  • Have these “log” stood by you when you needed support?

If your answer to most of them or even half of them is NO and if you still continue to keep looking for the “log” to take all decisions for you, then you are suffering from this life taker syndrome. You need to immediately act before it is too late.

If your answer to most or even half of them is NO and you anyway don’t consult the “log” for your decisions, then you are safe.

For the ones who are now detected with this illness

Here are few things you can do immediately

  • Stop going to the “log” in your head or even in person to seek their advice (you should know most people who are suffering from this syndrome have not seen these “log” in person, yet!)
  • Don’t give them power to take decisions for you.
  • Put yourself first and them last, or even remove them if you are taking any decision, or even doing anything in your life.
  • Learn to ignore them, stop giving credit to someone who don’t deserve it.
  • Take charge of your life and stop giving the steering wheel of your life in their hands
  • There will be a handful of people who are your well-wishers, turn more to them for support and spend more time with them.
  • We don’t even keep the watch that is not working at home any more, then why keep these “log” in your life if they don’t do anything good for you. Just dispose them off.
  • Learn to take accountability for all the good and bad that you do, when you start doing that, you don’t need to “log” to come to preach.
  • Make yourself so strong that you can live without the “log” in any form. At least the “log” who don’t do anything good in your life.

I am a fan of Sadhguru, according to him, you are solely responsible for your happiness and sadness, so do not give this privilege to anyone to make you  happy or sad.  If you do, then you will be controlled and will be at their mercy to make you happy or sad. So take charge of your life and take accountability for your happiness and sadness.

I just shared my thoughts, patha nahi log kya kahenge hahahahahahaha!

Wishing for a World free of “log kya kahenge” syndrome.


Image source: Still from FilterCopy | Every Housing Society Ever Edited on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Akshatha Karangutkar

I am a simple and fun loving human being. over a period of time have learnt how to keep myself happy without any external stimulus. Another late realization is my ability to express my thoughts read more...

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