10 Sentences Parents Should Stop Telling Their Daughters!

Every parent must impart knowledge to their daughters to help them to become independent, instead of saying negative sentences that will discourage their over all well-being.

It took me almost a decade to understand the unfairness of many traditions observed in our society. I indulged in many unruly practices before realizing how inappropriate they were. They affected my personality, my judgement and to an extent my confidence.

It’s an explicit effort now, every time I try to bring in change of behaviour. We are so accustomed to the norms, it’s unbelievably gruelling to unlearn years of parental teachings.

I strongly believe every parent must impart the righteous knowledge to their daughters so that they craft a virtuous life for themselves, continue to make learned decisions in every phase of life.

Emotional independence is equally important as the financial one to lead a well-informed and matured life.

Infamous words by parents that need corrections

  • “The husband is everything in your life.”

Yes, he is a vital portion of your life, but you matter too. So stop putting them above your well-being.

  • “Others come first.”

It’s a good attitude to care and serve others, but keep in mind yourself too. But, still no!

  •  “Keep other’s likes before yours.”

Do not forget you exist too.

  • “Feed the men of the family first.”

Let the equality begin from home.

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  • “Others are never wrong. Adjustments have to be only from your end.”

Every human deserves respect. Relationships must be built on mutual understanding and efforts, may it be elders or youngsters.

  • “Keep your career aside for kids.”

Before deciding, consider the kind of commitment and sacrifice it takes, the bunch of arrangements it demands. Choose what’s right for both you and the kid.

  • “We have raised you, now you must raise your kids on your own.”

Respect your parents forever. Look after them till the end. Do not use them to raise your kids, or do not be nice to them only if/because they fit well in your lifestyle.

  • “Keep forgiving despite the repetitive malicious behaviour.”

Give your family members enough love, chances and forgiveness. But do not overdo or step on the limit. After a point, keep your sanity and maintain distance.

No need to tell tales or spoil the clichéd in-laws’ reputation just because they don’t suit you, or they are different from you. See things in fair light.

  • “The infamous myths during pregnancy, post delivery and menstruation.”

They affect the woman’s mind psychologically so much that it paves way for low self-esteem, loneliness and post-partum depression during times when she deserves utmost love and understanding.

Let there be light.

  • “Shhh… You don’t know anything about these things. Let the elders decide.”

Disrespecting and not consulting the daughters’ opinions on important decisions is a strict no no. Accept the altered and adapted ways of the younger generation. You sure guide but not hover over and sabotage their life.

Perseverance and maturity need not always come with age and degrees. The thought process you hold is impacted by the beliefs you inculcate, the value system you nurture, the books you read, and many more.

If a person continues to meet only a certain set of people, believes in the same set of rituals, his/her thoughts will not change for the better.

We need to expand our horizon. We must have open mind and meet people with different community, age groups, professions, locality and stages of society. That’s when we invite new seeds of reasoning, new ways of acceptance and functioning.

Keeping an open mind is the key

Personally, I have always believed in having an open mind towards everything. I heartily welcome people from varied diversities with different lifestyles and life choices.

This increases the repeatability of brains. It politely taught me new experiences with new vantage points. Eventually, it builds new strength inside us all.

With the insatiable thirst for reading, I would read books of various authors and genres every night before bed involuntarily. It helped me to understand various possibilities of the human heart and mind.

If we surround ourselves with the same people, indulge in the same thoughts and practices, somewhere we will start believing that only these things are the appropriate ones and the rest of the world that doesn’t fall in our category is erroneous. This will result in imparting wrong knowledge to our kids and new generation.

Keep an open mind, you might learn something new.

Keep an open heart, you might stumble upon a great friend.

Image source: Still from Dil Dhakane Do, Edited on CanvaPro

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