Just A Housewife?

High time we gave housewives more respect for taking care of the home and their families

Career is one of the important aspects of everyone’s life. Do you remember the time when you were struggling to choose one field out of the thousand options? So many options come along with leading to a lot of confusion. However, when you are in confusion, everyone around you comes up with solutions.

Some must have said to choose a promising career offering high package, others must have advised going for civil services and some must-have said to be just a housewife.

‘Just a housewife’

Why will someone choose that as a career? Is that even a career? What does even a housewife do?

A housewife gets the least recognition from people.

A housewife does not get remuneration for the work she performs day and night because, of course, she is doing it for her own family.

A housewife has to wake up before everyone in the house because she has to make sure that the bread earners in the family do not get late for their high paying jobs.

A housewife cannot voice her opinion freely because she doesn’t know life beyond four walls of the house.

A housewife doesn’t get any holiday, not even a Sunday.

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Hamster wheel life

Wake up – household chores – make breakfast – household chores – make lunch – household chores – make dinner – household chores – sleep – repeat…

Such a monotonous life with an often aching body and no self-respect or freedom. Why would someone choose such a life? I am sure no one wants to, but some did.

Some women did because they were not given an option. Some did for their children, some did for their husbands, some did for themselves.

But – there is nothing wrong with being a housewife

A housewife is not less than any professional. Let’s begin with calling her a homemaker.

A homemaker is like a clock that ticks every hour, every minute, every second without fail and let us achieve our goal on time. A homemaker helps her family members to get recognition in society.

They are best at what they do. Be it making delicious delicacies, bargaining with a vegetable vendor, communication skills, taking care of everyone’s needs. And they do everything with a smile on their face.

It’s the attitude with which we see them has to change. Nope. It’s not necessary to pay them with money, however, pay them with your smile, respect and acknowledgement that they deserve.

So, next time when you introduce her to someone don’t say, “She is just a housewife!”

Say it with pride, She is a housewife; a homemaker.

It is not easy to be just a housewife.

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About the Author

Watt Butterfly

I am a daughter, sister and a Chartered Accountant. I like to write in my free time. Uplifting each other is the mantra I follow. read more...

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