The Tinder Swindler Scammed Women – But We Still Point Fingers At Women Only!

Watching the Tinder Swindler tells me that we still put the onus only on women to keep themselves safe.

So if there’s anyone reading who has not yet watched Tinder Swindler, I would definitely recommend watching this show on Netflix.

I start watching the series and and saw how this one man is playing on the emotions of women… and then robbing them of their hard earned money. 

Some spoilers ahead

As you continue to watch the series and approach the end, you begin to smile and applaud the woman who finally ends up swindling the tinder swindler…and gets him cornered into the rat hole that he deserved.

But by the end of this documentary, I felt a sickening feeling in my stomach and it left me with a bag of mixed emotions.

We applaud the woman who cons the con but what about the women who thought they were being there for the man they loved, who trusted the ‘love of their life’ and then got slut shamed by people online later? They got called gold diggers and what not. In fact the truth is, to trust people, to be there when someone needs you and to be able to put yourself out there with your heart and money on your sleeve takes as much guts as the woman who swindles the guy and got a part of her money back.

The truth is that somehow, anyone who watches this film has a first reaction to blame the woman. It’s so sad that no matter what happens and even though the scum bag was the man, our society‘s first reaction is to blame the woman! The second thought that crossed my mind was that after all this documentary has covered on Netflix, and it’s out there – the guy got back on Tinder.

Is physical rape the only kind of rape? Isn’t what he did to these women emotionally abusive? Is this how we protect women’s rights? He has already scammed so many women emotionally and financially.

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Shouldn’t this man be banned worldwide on any dating app? Don’t we do that to bankers and traders who are not allowed to trade anymore or get a banking job if they had a refund of fraud?

The big boy millionaires and the scumbags of the world who have looted economies of so much money are still flying their private jets and living in London whereas these poor women who were only looking for a good man and someone to love are still going back-and-forth in courts paying off their debt.

Where is the role for the law to play here? A man wanted in a country, who then scammed more women, walks free and ready to be a predator again. Leaving us where we began, “It’s a woman’s responsibility to keep herself safe and not that of the law makers or our society to curb the con artists and rapists and to protect us!”

We will not curb the men but ask women to be more vigilant…

Current update: Tinder banned the Tinder Swindler Simon Leviev but only after the Netflix series came out.

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About the Author

Shikha Poddar

Shikha Poddar a mother & entrepreneur, born and brought up in India is a versatile feminist writer who writes in Hindi and English. She is also known for curating classical music evenings and promoting the read more...

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