From Regulating Blood Clotting To Reducing Menstrual Pain…Here Are 7 Benefits Of Vitamin K!

Vitamin K is a micronutrient that our body needs in small amounts. Here are 7 important benefits of Vitamin K!


We have been taught from the very beginning that we should eat green and leafy vegetables. Well, all this is for a reason. Green leafy vegetables contain Vitamin K which benefits us in ample ways. Vitamin K is a micronutrient that our body needs in small amounts. But just because it is needed in small amounts, does not mean that we can neglect its intake. Vitamin K is essential for the healthy functioning of many organs of our body which includes the liver, pancreas, and heart.

It is a significant vitamin that our body needs for blood clotting that helps in healing wounds. The deficiency of Vitamin K is rare but it results in haemorrhage. We all know that prevention is better than cure. So it is better that we consume food rich in Vitamin K rather than taking medicines after getting diagnosed with its deficiency. 


For A Healthy Dose Of Vitamin K, include these food items in your diet!

People are usually perplexed about what to include and what to exclude from their diet. Consuming each and every nutrient in the right proportion is what we call a balanced diet. Vitamin K is also an essential nutrient and hence including food rich in Vitamin K in your diet becomes essential.

Green leafy vegetables top the list when it comes to food items rich in Vitamin K. If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, make sure that you include vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, spinach, Brussel sprouts, etc, in your diet.

But it is not just the green leafy vegetables that are the sources of Vitamin K. Apart from these small amounts of meat, eggs, fermented foods and cheese are also food items rich in Vitamin K. Moreover, oils of soybean and canola are also rich sources of Vitamin K. Including all these food items in your diet will prevent the deficiency of Vitamin K, hence preventing fatal diseases like haemorrhage. So, next time you decide on your diet plan, do not forget to include these food items in your diet.

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Did you know about these 7 benefits of consuming food rich in Vitamin K?

1)Most of us must be aware of the fact that Vitamin K is responsible for the regulation of blood clotting. Its primary function in our body is to ensure blood clotting and preventing haemorrhage.

2) But apart from this it also helps in keeping our bones healthy. It helps in preventing osteoporosis which is caused by the loss of the density of bones. This usually happens after the age of 50 years and if not treated timely, it can cause complications. The symptoms of osteoporosis include pain in bones, fracture in bones, and spinal deformity. It is seen mostly in menopausal women. This might be due to the fact that women do not take enough care of themselves. They need to know that taking care of themselves is okay! So, if you do not want health complications in future, make sure you take a sufficient amount of Vitamin K. 

3) You will be startled to know that one of the causes of excessive menstrual flow is the deficiency of Vitamin K. An excessive flow of blood from the body is not normal and healthy either. Eating food rich in Vitamin K or supplements of Vitamin K helps in reducing the blood flow during menstruation because it reduces the total amount of blood flowing in the body. 

4) If you have painful periods, then Vitamin K can be your remedy. It is responsible for the regulation of hormones which results in the regular flow of periods. And the regular flow of periods means less pain. So, if you are experiencing painful periods, you can get tested for deficiency of Vitamin K. In addition to this, Vitamin K also reduces the risk of internal bleeding in the liver. Moreover, it is also helpful in curing nausea during pregnancy. 

5) If you have fluctuating blood sugar levels, then you might have a deficiency of Vitamin K. Including food rich in this nutrient in your diet can help in the regulation of your blood sugar level. The insulin secreted by the pancreas is responsible for regulating blood sugar and the smooth functioning of the pancreas is ensured by Vitamin K. 

6) Vitamin K also prevents cancer of colon, prostate, stomach, nasal and oral cancers. There are many causes of cancer and deficiency of Vitamin K can be one. So, it is better to include Vitamin K in your diet rather than taking chemotherapy later. 

7) Other health benefits of Vitamin K include increased flow of urine, prevention of haemorrhage in babies, and a strengthened immune system. The list of such benefits goes on.

Vitamin K is a nutrient that is essential for the functioning of our body. Its deficiency can have dire consequences like internal bleeding, brain haemorrhage and many other fatal diseases. Our parents have always forced us to eat green leafy vegetables and this is the same thing we are being taught in our school textbooks.

For a healthy, wholesome lifestyle be sure to include Vitamin K enriched foods in your diet! 

Image source: Unsplash/ SnowWhiteimages


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