4 Choices We Can Make To Reduce Our Dependence On Technology!

Technology has been a saviour during the pandemic. Yet there are downsides of over dependence on technology that cannot be overlooked!

The global pandemic has exposed the fragility of our world and our sense of well-being. Our dependence on technology has largely increased during this time. Workplaces and schools have turned to remote working via platforms such as Zoom and Teams to sustain lives. Even when it comes to education, home-schooling has relied heavily on such platforms.

Technology is growing at a revolutionary pace in today’s times. Some people see it as a blessing, while others consider it a curse. Technology has definitely been a saviour in this time, yet, there are plenty of downsides that cannot be overlooked.

By following these tips, you can effectively control over dependence on technology in your daily life!

Blue light from devices interferes with sleep…avoid using phones at night!

All devices emit “blue light”, which according to researchers, affects production of the sleep-related hormone melatonin. This, in turn, interferes with the quality of your sleep.

Secondly, a text or a tweet before bedtime can be stimulating enough to make your mind start racing when it’s supposed to be winding down. You must refrain from using the phone at night, even avoid setting an alarm as it can be tempting to have the phone on the bedside table. A good night’s sleep will help you stay fresh and active during the daytime.

Finding it hard to practice self-control? Just switch off your phone for some time!

Cell phones and other devices have become a huge part of our lives. On one hand, it has increased connectivity. On the other hand, the dependence on technology has reduced the need for interpersonal conversations.

Often, we feel tempted, even obliged, to respond to a work email or attend a business call post working hours. Scrolling mindlessly on several social media channels has also become a natural habit for us. Many people experience feeling inadequate or incompetent when they see other people showcasing their “perfect lives” on social media.

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We are plainly deceived without realizing that people’s lives are rarely as perfect as they make it seem online. You can change your relationship with social media and the internet by setting a time limit every day in order to practice self-control. There are several apps to regulate the hours you spend on your phone.

Use tools like GPS & calculators only when needed!

With the increasing number of digital apps and social media platforms, dependency on technology has increased. Time management is crucial and dependency on technology create a decline in human capital.

It is important to reduce dependency by increasing personal effort such as using GPS only when needed, or avoiding calculators instead calculating manually. This technique will help you be more involved in your daily life instead of relying on technology 24/7.

Take time to appreciate real connections!

As we move towards a digital world at a fast pace, we have increasingly become distracted from connecting with people in real life. Face-to-face interactions have a great impact on your emotional well-being. It’s crucial to unplug when you’re with friends and family.

When you want to avoid temptation of spending more time on your phone,  you can just switch it off for some time. This will help you detach and reduce anxiety.

Dependence on technology (technology addiction) is running rampant. But there is a need to use technology on a daily basis. It might be a requirement for your job, or it could be a safety issue (such as ensuring everyone in the family has a smartphone in case of emergencies). That is why is it not completely possible to limit the usage of technology in our daily life. However, with these 4 simple tips, we can definitely reduce our dependence on technology! 

Image source: Still from Tamasha


About the Author

Geeta Ramakrishnan

Ms. Geeta Ramakrishnan, Author of #1 Amazon Best Seller book ‘The Game of Change’ Intimidated by the overwhelming task of handling multiple roles in today's high-pressure world, Ms. Geeta shares the “aha” moment read more...

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