5 Health And Diet Tips For Women In Their 30s

40s have become the new 30s now, but it is also important to take care of your health as you grow older to be fit in your 50s and 60s too.

40s have become the new 30s now, but it is also important to take care of your health as you grow older to be fit in your 50s and 60s too.

Of lately we have been hearing this very frequently “40 is the new 20” and this holds true especially for women. Women in their late 30s and early 40s are looking and feeling better than ever. Although this is only true for those who start taking care of their body and nutritional needs as they enter their 30s.

The modern age women are doing a fabulous job by juggling between work and household duties, and trying to maintain a work life balance. However in all this process are they neglecting themselves?

Have you missed your breakfast as you had to rush for an important meeting before dropping your kids to school? Or just eaten some quick fast food on the go because of other ‘important’ commitments? These minor concerns which might not have made much difference in your 20s are here to haunt you in your 30s. But don’t worry, here are a few tips which you can follow to have a good health in your 40s.

Boost up your metabolism

I hear this quite often from many ladies in their 30s, that lately they have been gaining weight although their intake is same as before. This is common in 30s because as you age your metabolism slows down.

To up your metabolism you need to increase the intake of proteins in your diet. Your protein intake should be equivalent to your weight. For eg -a lady weighing 60 kgs should consume 60 gms of protein daily in the form of eggs, fish, legumes, beans, soya nuggets etc. to meet your daily protein need.


Exercise is one of the best ways to keep a check on the gaining pounds as it increases your metabolic rate along with improving your bone health. Exercise at least 4 times a week for 30 to 40 minutes.

You can either go for a brisk walk, jog, or do some other form of cardio workout like cycling, running. Don’t forget to include strength training in your schedule at least once a week.

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Include fibre

When you hit your thirties, high fibre food becomes essential to regulate your blood sugar levels and to up your metabolism.

Include fruits and veggies in your daily diet. Consume fruits daily in their whole form and not as juices to get the fibre. Include salads in your main meals to meet the daily fibre requirement.

For better hormonal functioning

It is very common to have hormonal imbalance in your thirties attributing to the stress levels and poor eating. One should go for blood tests to keep a check on hormonal levels at least twice a year.

Having a healthy balanced meal including fruits, veggies, eggs, fish, lean meat, nuts and salads along with exercise can help maintain a hormonal balance.

For better bone health

The next major problem is withering bone health. A problem commonly associated with older women is now affecting women in their 30s.

As we age our oestrogen levels dip down affecting bone density adversely. This is the reason for aches and pains in knees, lower back and legs for women. An increased calcium and Vit D intake is very essential at this age. Women need around 1000 mg of calcium daily. Good sources of calcium and Vit D are milk, curd, almonds, spinach, white beans, fish.

And last but not the least a good sleep and less stress will pave the way to a healthier 40. Include these minute changes in your diet and lifestyle and stand tall and strong against these biological challenges like all other challenges you have been facing so efficiently.

Image source: Anna Shvets on pexels

Check with your doctor first

At Women's Web we try to bring you information on Fitness & Wellness topics of interest to you. This is not, however diagnostic or prescriptive information, so please do consult your doctor or therapist before using any of it.

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About the Author

dietitian Nilofar

I am a dietitian by profession,blogger by passion. I regularly blog on health,fitness and mental and physical wellbeing.For more such interesting articles watch this space. read more...

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