Become Your Own Competitor And Get Better Each Day

Competition is a progressive yet a destructive term. But, if used with the intention to help self, can create positive results.

Competition is a progressive yet a destructive term. But, if used with the intention to help self, can create positive results.

In every stage of life, we come across this progressive yet destructive word called “Competition”. Competition exits among learners, individuals, professionals and among the countries. You must be wondering, why am I using the contrast opinion for the same word. Because there can be two aspects to the Competition. Let’s see what’s the dictionary definition of competition.

“Competition means the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.”

It’s rightly mentioned in the above lines but did you notice that it’s about defeating others to gain your supremacy over them? That’s where it becomes a destructive approach. This way of competition does not only give you stress and anxiety but also push you towards an unlawful deed to get the desired power. You must have seen nowadays schools are also refraining from exhibiting the ranking structure to avoid students competing among each other.

But then, how would you evaluate your growth without being competitive. That’s where my first opinion stands. Competition is progressive if it’s competed by own self.

How to assess your own growth?

Dear students, Don’t strive with your buddy in the same class. It might ruin your friendship, rather compare your previous semester result with the current one. See your graph to evaluate the improvement needed as that matters in the long run. Compete with your own hard work!!

Dear Professionals, Don’t compete with your counterpart about the package and hike because that would lead you to demotivation rather compare your improvement with your past project, your own rating and respective hikes. That will make you grow. Compete with your own skills.

Dear Mommies, Don’t compare your mastery and way of handling by judging other moms. Compete with your intelligence, forbearance and nursing skills. See whether you are growing as a better mom every other day. Compete with your dedication!

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Dear siblings, Never bring the thought of competing with each other. You are a family and each other’s strength. Compete with your bonding and love and see that it’s blooming every day.

Dear friends, Friends are to be treasured but when any rivalry comes in between them it erodes the incredible bonding. If you want to compete, then compete with your ego, with your flaws, with your jealousy and buck up your friends to grow.

Dear Country, Competition among lands is regulating from the eras. But it has taken away many innocent lives and has not given anything to admire about. If you want to compete, compete with the development of your land, year by year. See if you are advancing by all means and keeping your citizens happy. Compete with your development!!

So a progressive competition stands for the betterment of humanity and nation. So, let’s be a progressive competitor. I compete with my skills, my knowledge and my wisdom.


About the Author

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Sagarika Sahoo has done MBA and M.Com and pursued her career as a lecturer. She had short term experience in IT companies as a finance professional as well. She is now a full-time read more...

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