Practice Self-Love In These Uncertain Times With 7 Easy Steps!

Self-love and self-care have become vital parts of our lives in these times. So why not give yourself some love with these 7 steps?

Self-love and self-care have become vital parts of our lives in these times. So why not give yourself some love with these 7 steps?

People often wonder what self-love and self-care are. These terms have only gained popularity during the lockdown. People, now, have an ample amount of time to work on their bodies and minds.

Everyone needs some relief from their stressful lives – be it an adult or a kid. They also need to work on their hobbies to relax and have some time to themselves. But don’t worry if you haven’t found your perfect hobby or indulged in some self-love yet! Here are a few tips on how to care for and love yourselves, especially in these uncertain times. 

Did you know taking a long bath is one way to show yourself some love? It doesn’t just help you relax physically but also helps your mind calm down while soaking up in the warm water.

You can practice self-love by planning your day wisely

If you’re working from home, it is time to organise yourself first. Start by setting a timetable for yourself that covers your breakfast, lunch and some evening activities. If you have other, non-office related work to do, spare some time for it and do it in that allotted time period.

Spend some time with your parents and kids, if they are around. Have long conversations with them and help them with their household chores. Try to read a book or a newspaper to give yourself a break and to keep yourself updated on the happenings of the world.

Planning is quite an important part of self-love. If you don’t plan things out well, you will feel tired all day long and some parts of your work will still remain untouched.

Show yourself some love and take care of your body

Planning the day and stress-related health issues often go hand-in-hand. When you don’t plan your day wisely, you don’t get to take care of your health, often leading to several physical and mental health issues. 

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If you’re taking some medication, don’t forget to have it despite your busy day. Keep track of your food intake and try eating foods that are rich in proteins.

Instead of eating junk food, try to eat more dry or fresh fruits every time you have a craving. Taking care of your own health is an important aspect of self-love.

Stay away from cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption

Often, smoking and excessive drinking can trigger you and lead you down a path of negativity. It also affects your digestive system. If you drink heavily and regularly, you will have several issues with your liver and stomach. (There is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol once in a while, however, you need to know when to stop and how to stop.)

Continuous smoking will put you at risk of having oesophageal cancer or even lung cancer. Not only this, if you’re drinking or smoking to drive your stress away, it will mostly, only have a negative impact and cause you more harm than good.

Manage your stress and try dumping technology

If you’re constantly working without a break, you need to focus on giving yourself a break. Let your body relax and replenish its energy with what you love doing the most. Take a short walk around the room, between two tasks that you’ve been doing.

With the pandemic and travel becoming a little difficult, you take mini breaks over the weekend. You can visit your local coffee shop and munch on some cookies or your favourite baked goody. Carry a book with you and you are set for the day of relaxing!

If you’re a technology freak and all your work depends on staring at screens all day, give yourself a break every few hours. Set up a time when you will not look at any kind of screen and let your eyes and mind rest.

If you’re used to staring at screens for a long time, your eyesight is affected and you may also get addicted to it. Additionally, you’re barely aware of things happening around you, thus making you further stressed.

Practice self-love and give yourself a good sleep!

Getting enough sleep is an important part of self-care and self-love. Just like eating healthy food is important to your body, deep and healthy sleep, too, helps you.

While planning your day, set up your bedtime and a time when you’d wake up. As far as you can, stick to this schedule and try to get at least six to eight hours of sleep every night.

Try following the same time-table on weekends as well. You can sleep in a little late on some days, but make sure it doesn’t become a habit. You’re unable to sleep well, practice some sleep techniques and try to stay away from your phone at least half an hour before you get into bed.

Indulge in self-love and eat healthy!

Have some fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of your regular diet. You can also switch to fat-free and baked foods, instead of fried ones. Stay away from soft aerated drinks and try drinking as much water as you can to stay hydrated.

Food matters a lot when it comes to self-love and self-care. Eating junk very often might affect your digestive system in ways you aren’t aware of. Try eating protein-rich food at home since it is much healthier than junk.

Keep exercising to show yourself some love

Exercise is very important if you’re planning to build a self-care routine. It doesn’t just boost your mood but also keeps you healthy and fit. If you’re unable to go to the gym, you can work out at home with numerous trainers and YouTube videos. 

You can even practice meditation and yoga to calm yourself down whenever you feel stressed. Find what works best for you and use that to get the results you want.

Apart from all these tips, have a morning and night routine for your skin. Experiment a little and try making face masks and even hair masks to help your skin and hair feel and look great!

While this isn’t a rule book to follow, you can do anything you want that helps you love yourself and give yourself a break. Practice these self-love tips and see a change in yourself!

Do let me know your favourite ways to show yourself some love in the comments!

Picture credits: Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels


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