It’s Time We Celebrated The Home-Makers Instead Of Wondering What They Do All Day!

Why is the woman who juggles it all - right from everyone's food restrictions to their happiness the one who is still uncelebrated?

Why is the woman who juggles it all – right from everyone’s food restrictions to their happiness the one who is still uncelebrated?

‘There is no such thing as a woman who doesn’t work. There is only a woman who isn’t paid for her work.’

The core of every family, the thread that binds the members and the only round the clock worker in the entire household, is the housewife indeed. She juggles the cleaning, cooking and care-taking, even though she gets no reciprocation (at least in most cases) let alone remuneration.

The woman is the unpaid worker, taken for granted and hired for a lifetime. Yet, she toils, day and night, without appreciation and motivation, to put a smile on all faces in the household. And to run their day-to-day matters without any hassles.

Despite everything she does, she is still undervalued!

She is nothing less than a genie granting unlimited wishes, with her 24/7 availability and never say no policy. And she is probably the hardest working member in the family, with no holiday or break. Yet, hers is the most undervalued job, after all it isn’t a job, it’s her duty.

It isn’t at all easy to be a home-maker. Challenges come everyday, in the form of disrupted power, water and gas supply. In the form of cooking dilemmas, recipe failures, as clash of tastes. They come in as a migraine forcing her to retire to bed but her heart telling her she has to continue the chore.

Or they come in as a radio announcement of a fire at the school, a TV announcement of a multi-vehicle accident, an over-turned school bus. They even come in as a car that crashed, a burglary attempt, or a case of theft.

She makes a million sacrifices and yet isn’t valued

There are a million sacrifices she makes, willingly to make her house a home, and to keep everyone happy. She foregoes her career to make another few lives easier, ignores her sickness to keep her dear ones healthy. And compromises on her needs and wishes to contribute to the aspirations of her loved ones.

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Yet all she gets to hear from people, including her own is that her life is easy. It is easy because she makes yours easy and your happiness is all she wants. And for that she can go to any extent, she can cross the skies for her family!

Along with the household chores, the woman also has the care-taking jobs, which are strenuous and challenging. Yet, she handles everything with elan and holds her home together. She is the most uncelebrated worker, whose importance can be understood only in her absence.

It is time we gave these women the respect and love they deserved!

It’s high time these Home Goddesses got some appreciation and acknowledgment. And probably, some support and motivation to pursue their passions too.

If they can manage everything in a household, they can find time to nurture their own hobbies, too. All they need is a little affirmation that all is well with you and it wouldn’t bother you if they find time for their passions, because after all, they live for you.

Oh and, in Portugal, November 3 is celebrated as Housewife’s Day. Now, we really need to take some serious lessons from Portugal!

Picture credits: Still from Marathi TV serial Aai Kuthe Kay Karte

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