I’m Fine, You’re Fine: Our Double Standards Around Mental Health

Do we really understand that Depression can happen to anyone of us? Most of us still evade this uncomfortable discussion.

Do we really understand that Depression can happen to anyone of us? Most of us still evade this uncomfortable discussion.

The last few days have seen a lot of discussion on mental health. But will this change anything on the ground?

How many of us have been making any changes in our life after all this noise surrounding mental health?

In the last few years, depression has been a popular topic on social media. But has there been any change in our day to day lives? Have you ever openly discussed your problems?

Many of us are members of multiple Whatsapp groups. But how many groups discuss life problems and offer constructive solutions? Most of these groups forward good morning quotes and inspirational messages and leave it at that. Many others operate with a competitive spirit where members compete with each other to display how happy or successful they are.

After all these discussions, how many of us admit to feeling low, upset or sad? Not many. We dismiss our feelings with the usual,”It will be fine” quote.

We have been taught to ignore our feelings from childhood. Talking about our emotions makes everyone around us uncomfortable. Emotions especially negative ones are considered extremely private and not worth discussing publicly.

Not just random members of the public, even close relatives dismiss our low moods. Both married people and singletons are equally ignored when it comes to mental health. Married people are stuck with the tag “Happily Married” while single people are advised to get hitched if they talk about their stress.

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Almost all age groups face ignorance when it comes to mental health issues. Children are not believed to have stress especially if they come from a financially sound home. The common belief is that when they have enough to eat, good clothes to wear, go to a good school, then what is the cause of stress?

Youngsters are asked to concentrate on securing a good job. Middle-aged people are asked to worry about their children’s future. And old people have lived their lives, so what is their cause of depression?

The fact that depression can affect anyone irrespective of age, financial status and marital status is ignored. The person who smiles at us must be a happy person.

We often ask our friends and family “How are you?” But do we want to hear honest answers or give honest answers? No. We just say “I am Fine” and hope to hear the same reply.

Photo by Kha Ruxury from Pexels

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