Senior Citizens Day

Life is beautiful and loving senior citizens with all their quirkiness, families can make the life blessings for all.

Life is beautiful and loving senior citizens with all their quirkiness, families can make the life blessings for all.

Their wisdom when amalgamated with the strength and determination of youth culminates and results in  balanced, bountiful , visionary, future of any nation. Old people or senior citizens are assets to the family and nation.

As per the records almost 700 million people are now over the age of 60. By 2050, 2 billion people, over 20 per cent of the world’s population, will be 60 or older. In  developing countries this number is rapid and high.  Asia as the region with the largest number of older persons, and Africa facing the largest proportionate growth.

Their love has ‘Midas Touch’

We first of all should be thankful to our almighty for blessing  us with our elders, specially the older people. They are the living trophies of their families who possess them, if handled and cared well, else old people and Children both may feel suffocated.

‘Old is  Gold’ but to make old age a golden age there are many challenges faced by  older people.  Empathizing with their problems and working to eradicate these problems, is a bit tough but not impossible .Their bountiful love has’ Midas Touch ‘which makes un​stint​ing, happy family and society. Let us see what are those needs, problems  ,issues and fears of old people:

Fear of living with same pride

To live with dignity as they have always lived is their fear. To be able to sustain that honor which through out their life they earned and lived.To fight for their retrograded traditions and rituals. which yielded only physical and mental health problems to them.That self respect for self worth is their need.

Fear of availability of proper diet

Never experimenting with health oriented food. Always compromised with food and food habits. Fear of not to be able to have the food as per their old age requirements, is one of their fears.They feel they need nutritive diet systematically without any irregularities and non availability of this scares them.

Fear of not having friends

Friends are tonic for all age groups.The tonic which accelerates the healthy  and lengthy life. Friends are important. Spending time with them is their need. We all must make friends to all age groups. Friends are JOYLINE. They are epicenter of life. Old people specially need friends to share their joys and pains.

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Fear of death

If I die ,what will happen? Fearing death and not accepting it. It is the biggest and scariest scare for them. Leaving other spouse behind scares much.

Fear of financial support and needs

To keep money for their time of need or crisis. Saving money or not having enough money and neither to be able to earn. Investments, insurances, savings, all are their issues to be solved and kept secured. Health problems needs to be solved and their health expenses increase with time.

Health issues needs attention and cure

Big  ‘NO’ to all that which affects health ,either sugar,salt ,oil and any other eatables. Keeping themselves away from negativity and adventurous experiments like going astray, eating outside,staying away from home, not following their schedule, all trigger their health problems. So they need well planned schedule and care from family and care takers.

Lack of knowledge

Generally old people wait for their end instead making life endless happiness. They don’t update themselves with enough information and knowledge of world around them. Living with their old hobbies and art and skills can be started again but lack of knowledge blocks their minds to regrets. Though today in information era most of the senior citizens are using new media and keeping themselves updated but sometimes they feel they are not part of this world because of not having proper knowledge and information.

Lack of entertainment,and ways to remain happy

Life is about art of living not ‘worrying of dying.’ To remain happy, not to be able to entertain themselves, they must either joining friends clubs or happy groups. Keeping themselves entertained with the work of their choice.

Money -Money,Oh! Money

Money  can buy everything but not love of the family. Realization of pursuit of happiness is in family, not in money, either it comes too late or doesn’t come at all. Sooner the realization is, better the life becomes. Most of the time we spend time in saving money but we do not spend money to save relations and at the end we are left with either nothing or only money.

Social issues

Not acceptable by society because of not to be able to contribute towards society’s requirements. They have been contributing to the society with their services but now can not contribute or it is not valued well. Life is in happiness, so we must keep your eyes sparkling and heart beating with forgiveness and love for all. Grudges and grumbles destroyers of quality life, keep life simple and loftier with calmness.

Writing on the wall

Always making list of work to be done .To be done should be now DONE .Do not make lists, just do which you feel like doing .Want to visit children, do.Want to go to your old friend go .Want to call someone.,call. Just do it do not go by “list to be.”

Sticking to old objects and belongings

Keeping old clothes, objects, furniture or anything which keeps them away to move further is,  ‘retrouver mania .’  All the time sticking to old objects and for making memories makes past only,  not future.

Life is beautiful,all stages of life comes only once. So accepting it by senior citizens and their families can make the life blessings for both.


Image source: Unsplash


About the Author

Dr .Pragya kaushik

Pen woman who weaves words into expressions. Doctorate in Mass Communication. Media Educator Blogger ,Media Literacy and Digital Safety Mentor. read more...

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