The Neo Normal

The Covid-19 has made us see emergence of new challenges in all sectors included education. The way we have seen emergence of work from home in India ,similarly we have seen online education emerging as a new platform for future academics and teachers.

Academicians have emerged as another corona warriors who also have the responsibility to reform the aftermath of Lockdown in education field.The seed of reform starts with today’s action
in imparting online education.

Specifically in schools online education is new and challenging for both students as well as teachers and even for parents too.Teachers whether in schools,colleges or universities are doing a great job .

We must accept that new trend of education is preparing the students as HEROES of the ‘Neo Normal World.’

New Trend

Salute to all #Edu Heroes and learner warriors, our students. Our students are the heroes of united India, we feel proud to see our India where we understand the language of love and humanity. We have always stood united against any problem. Today also together we will come out with this problem.

In this Corona phase and lockdown period some have experienced worst time while others are trying to make it lesser troublesome,it is possible with right approach towards problems ,adaptation and acceptance to this present situation with positive thinking.

Lockdowns actually block the thinking for many specifically students who need guidance to plan their future.For teen agers and graduate ,postgraduate students it is the time when most attention ,care and guidance are required.

Here are some points where we, as parents or teachers can focus to make students learn:

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Lockdown vs Lockin

If you will feel this lockdown is imposed then you will aways feel burden of it but if by choice, as your duty towards nation and your safety you follow the guidelines of government then definitely life will be easier.Lockin the rules and routine of safety measures.


Take care of your physical and mental health. Eat healthy and think healthy.Read positive thinking books. Try to become multi-tasking,learn new skills,culinary art, painting, writing, music. So much to learn.

Challanges To Organize

Organize your thoughts and belongings. Organize your books,Almirah. Declutter your negative thoughts. Declutter your clothes and other unnecessary things. It will give space to fresh thinking.

Making Use Of Quarantine Period

With learning new languages or courses. Enhance your knowledge, Newton gave theory of gravitation during quarantine period of plague. Mentor your siblings teach them ethics. Play with them. Strengthen your bondings with them with different activities. Share your wisdom with them.

Write Letters

Write letters to your grandparents, family members or friends.Write thanks giving letters to your teachers or corona warriors or you feel like giving. It will instill positivity in you and you will feel connected. Talk to your loved ones.

Avoid yourself from Infodemic flood

You must be aware of incidents happening around you but do not let this infodemic flood overpower you. It is more harmful.
Limit your information gathering. Avoid dissemination of fake,misleading, half cooked,unconfirmed news and information.

Good Use Of Social Media

Make good use of social media for spreading positive thoughts and actions .
If want to know any authentic news then go to government sites of information. MHRDC and MIB are per day releasing information on covid -19 and other important issues.So do not go astray.

This periods is Journey within for students as they are expected to take care of their and health enrich themselves with positive thoughts, wisdom and knowledge instead diverting to destructive negativity.

Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

Dr .Pragya kaushik

Pen woman who weaves words into expressions. Doctorate in Mass Communication. Media Educator Blogger and Communication Skills Expert. read more...

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