How To Be Positive And Sane During The Forced House Arrest Of Lockdown

The recurring lockdowns have taken a toll on the physical and emotional health of many of us! But there are a few good things that we can learn from the social- distancing and other restrictions imposed.

The recurring lockdowns have taken a toll on the physical and emotional health of many of us! But there are a few good things that we can learn from the social- distancing and other restrictions imposed.

We learn to do our housework on our own! No matter, how big/small, how rich/poor these lockdowns have taught us to be self-reliant and get all the family members to work towards keeping the house clean, cooking, washing dishes. (Unfortunately, this is a big problem in households with ailing and old people!)

Keeping our needs to the minimum

Though many people have been hoarding and storing up things for months, we can actually wonder how much is actually needed!

With very few to no options of eating out, most of us are probably eating more healthy, homely food, not to mention the experiments and willingness to cook by people who had never stepped in a kitchen before!

Electronic gadgets have become more important than ever during these times of lockdown. Be it, face time with family and friends or work and study, these gadgets have become an inevitable part of our lives! Looking for recipes, craft ideas, movies, information, news and so on and so forth! It may not be such a bad thing to have these gadgets as many of us are worried about the increased screen time. We can now consciously move around and rest our eyes, take frequent breaks and then get on with our work.

Children learning to use these gadgets so early on can be overwhelming for both the parents and the children. They can be taught some security measures and the ill- effects of excessive screen time so they can take care. While at the same time, spending time learning new things. (Of course, smaller kids will not understand much, but we can always try!)

Keeping the festivities and functions to a minimum

Due to travel restrictions and other limitations, it is said that many people miss out on celebration with dear and near ones! But we can at least make use of technology and have a virtual get-together in various such occasions.

More time with family

Being constantly in the company of family members is not so bad. We can look for new hobbies and activities that can be done together, share some old pictures to re-live the days of the past. At times we all need breaks from our family members, we can respect this aspect and give each other space and time (within the four walls of the house!) willingly.

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Time for some retrospective

This lockdown has given us enough time to think and review our life. What is it that we actually want in life, what have we achieved till now and are we happy about it or what more should we do to be happy? Some people may move towards starting some new ventures, learn new skills while some may move towards spirituality. ( Of course, this is for the fortunate few of us who have been able to have a steady income and stayed in good health!)

So, come what may, we need to see the positive side of things, learn to adapt to new situations and find our own happiness!

Picture Credits – Pexels


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The identity of a person being a man/woman/any other, being a success/failure is a caricature drawn by the society to restrict the wide variety of colours from being splashed on the limitless read more...

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