It’s Getting A Little Lonely For Us Superwomen, Can The Supermen Step Up?

It’s time to teach our boys how to live with strong and independent women. Girls are breaking gender-stereotypes and now it's time we teach boys the same.

It’s time to teach our boys how to live with strong and independent women. Girls are breaking gender-stereotypes and now it’s time we teach boys the same.

I’m tired of being a superwoman and of having it all. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy to have the chance to live my life according to my choices. However, it is exhausting having to constantly prove myself every day.

Honestly, tell me if you know one single woman who isn’t full of guilt? If you work, it’s the guilt of not having enough time with your kids. But if you are a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) it’s the guilt of not earning money. The guilt of not being there for your parents, the guilt of not being a perfect wife or daughter in law, the list is endless.

Why are we the only ones striving for perfection?

Society tells us we should do better and strive harder and we ‘lean in.’ But I think it’s time for us to lean back and realise it’s okay if we’re not perfect. Our husbands aren’t, our children aren’t and our colleagues definitely aren’t, so why are we the only ones striving for perfection?

It’s time for us to realise that we have taken on everything in a desire to prove ourselves. But you know what? We don’t have to! There are many superwomen but now it’s time to see a superman. It’s time to tell our boys you too can have it all. That they too can be part of the corporate world and yet help take care of the kids.

Why should only women have the fun of being a super race? It’s time to tell men that they don’t need to be stuck in their tiny cubicles working all day. They can step out and spend some time de-stressing in the kitchen or take a break from work to help their children.

Let us teach you how to make your life more fulfilling!

We superwomen can do it all so hey guys let us teach you how to make your life more fulfilled. Let us teach you how to really multitask. Because that thing you do when you are on a call with a colleague and are going through an official mail? Yeah, that’s not really multi tasking.

Multitasking is when you are feeding a one-year-old his dinner while taking an office call and still paying attention to what your MIL is telling you!

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We have been busy telling our girls about their rights, teaching them to live their lives as strong independent women. But now it’s time to teach our boys how to live with strong and independent women. We’ve helped girls break out of gender-stereotypes and now it’s time to help boys do the same.

May be the superwomen can be accompanied by supermen?

This lockdown has been the perfect time to teach our men and our boys that housework is not just a woman’s responsibility. If a man cooks he doesn’t burst into flames. Or if he cleans up or washes the dishes it doesn’t diminish him it just makes him more self reliant.

Those posts on social media about learning how to bake and cook should not be limited to the internet. They need to translate into more men cooking, and learning how to clean the kitchen when they’re done. The posts need to translate into men realising that housework needs to be divided equally.

There have been many stories of men helping out their wives during the lockdown. We need to make sure that this doesn’t end with the end of the lockdown.

If women, as the ‘weaker sex’ can transform into superwomen, surely men can manage it too. It is time we teach Indian men that they don’t need their moms and wives and sisters and daughters to take care of them. Isn’t it time for the Superman to stand next to Superwoman?

Picture credits: YouTube

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About the Author

Asfiya Rahman

Asfiya Rahman, a management graduate, is a teacher by occupation and a writer by inclination. She has published many short stories in different publications and is the author of the sports drama trilogy Wild, Wild read more...

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