Don’t Hover Around The Kid And 6 Other Tips To Make Online Learning Easier For You And Your Kids

With the COVID-19 crisis on the rise, online classes will be the new normal. So here are 7 tips to make online classes easier for you and the kids.

With the COVID-19 crisis on the rise, online classes will be the new normal. So here are 7 tips to make online classes easier for you and the kids!

We had our first official online class today. The sonny boy definitely enjoyed his online classes. Let me tell you a secret, I was more exited and anxious for the class than he was.

He sat through the class while fidgeting with his toys. I was the one repeatedly asking him to look at the screen and pay attention. And I also reminded him to nod his head, smile and send a few direct chat messages to the teacher on Zoom. Getting the kids and ourselves ready for home schooling is something we all have practice and learnt this year.

Once his online classes were over, he was back to his goofiness. However, I moved towards the retrospection of my behavior. I realised that instead of making my child comfortable during his class, I was probably making him uncomfortable.

As parents, we have a habit of correcting our kids. We want them to be at their best behavior when they are under our watch. Unconsciously, we are eager for kids to learn things in the first go. This year of online education and home schooling is as new for our kids as it is for us. In order for this to be the new normal, there are few things we need to keep in mind.

Firstly, don’t hover around your child when they are attending their online classes. However, you can be in the same room with them, just in case they need help. Pay attention to the online classes being conducted but do not distract or interrupt your child.

Once you are able practice the above behavior correctly, here are few other things you should do, to make online classes fun for your kids.

Set up a simple clutter free area

Setting up my laptop near his Avenger station, definitely was not a good idea. He was lured to play with his figurines while the classes were being conducted. So set up a clean, simple and clutter free space for your kids to study. I don’t think it’s a great idea to mix their play area and study area together.

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Stick to a schedule

Most online classes now have a schedule that needs to be followed by kids. Today, after his class was over, I decided to give him a small snack break and then continue with some practice sessions.

I explained to him, how he would be free through the evening, if he winds up his school work now. So after the snack break, I made him do some writing and some dance that was part of the school curriculum.

Help reduce distractions

The kids these days are pros at being able to use gadgets. While we were getting ready for our school classes, he wanted to open other apps on my laptop. We then spoke about how he needs to focus on what is important right now and we agreed that other things and apps can wait.

Ensure there are no toys, pets, gadget and other things that distract your child while he/she tried to study. Also, if there are more people in the same room, you can request them not to talk loudly or move around too much.

Help your child get some fun time too

All work and no play, indeed makes your kid a dull child. So, while you are setting up a study schedule for your child, make sure there is a schedule for play too.

You can help you child divide his/her time into study and play schedules. Decide how you can include some time for family fun during these quarantine times too.

Equip your child with necessary gadgets

While most of our electronic devices are equipped with great advanced features, check what suits your child. The online classes will require your child to see, listen and hear attentively. Check what gadgets or systems you can equip your child with to make the transition easier.

Reach out to the school or teacher

Online education definitely requires the family’s support too. You may have to sometimes talk to the teacher while the online classes are going on. Use the chat facility or interrupt politely if there is something that cannot be understood. Check with the school or the teacher, the best times to connect with them personally for help as well.

Help your child overcome learning hurdles

We all know and agree that watching something online and learning are too different things. I completely agree with the fact that no two children are alike. There may be many learning barriers that each child may face.

Some may not have a good attention span while some may have trouble with writing. Keep in mind that the online classes may lack the space to fit in all the needs of children.

You may want to check about the learning barriers with the school before the classes start. Send out a detailed email or have a conversation on how everything will be considered. Seek help and support through open and honest conversations.

This year of online education and home schooling could be an entirely new concept for a lot of schools, teachers and parents. One must understand that it has to be an equal effort from everyone.

There will be technical glitches and the comprehension level will differ. Indeed there will be delay in communication too. We need to tackle this phase with patience, understanding and communication. It will be in everyone’s best interest with schools and parents work amicably with each other.

Parents too would have their own work schedule to follow. However I personally feel that the initial hand holding would help make this a smooth process.

For more such articles that help your everyday parenting journey a tad bit easier, visit here.

A version of this was earlier published here.

Picture credits: Pexels


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