Stop Shaming People For Their Bodies, Your Words Might Hurt Them Forever!

Whether you're fat or thin, there will be people out there judging you and your every move. But instead of judging, what if you tried to understand them?

Whether you’re fat or thin, there will be people out there judging you and your every move. But instead of judging, what if you tried to understand them?

Have you, or your friends or family ever been criticised for your weight? And have any of you been labelled ‘too fat’ or ‘too thin’? Does it not feel unfair to you?

During college, I was a part of a drama team. I was in the production and props team. And I am grateful I wasn’t a part of the casting team. Often, I saw a lot of bias and partiality among them.

The roles were allocated according to one’s body shape and size – the ones who abided by the definition of fit and beautiful were selected as the protagonist. Meanwhile, the ones who were too thin and fat were cast as their siblings, friends or parents. Is it acceptable to give the protagonist role to someone who is an average actor but pretty while overlooking a deserving actor simply because they are fat?

Why is body-shaming such a favourite pass time for people?

Bollywood, too, follows a similar trend. According to a research conducted on children in between the ages five and ten. When given a choice between pictures of women who looked thin and pretty or fat with scars, they chose the former while body-shaming the latter. Can you imagine what our children are observing and learning from us and our society?

Whose definition are these anyway? Whoever said looking average, or being fat or thin was a disease? If it isn’t, why are people body-shamed or shamed for the way they look?

We often hear parents and relatives describe a prospective groom or bride by body shaming them. They will say things like, ‘her nose is a little improper,’ or ‘she is dark,’ ‘he is fat and average looking,’ or even, ‘Oh her daughter is so beautiful.’ We are often told that fat or very thin people cannot find love due to their appearance. And even if they do, they will find someone just as fat or as thin as they are.

The real problem is being judged by your own family or the ones who have no right to comment or interfere in your life. You are constantly bullied by such people.

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Try being a better person, maybe?

And the impact of body shaming remains forever. Even if they become the weight that is socially acceptable, they will carry scars of low self-esteem, low confidence and self-conscious for the rest of their life.

Most people are fat or too thin due to reasons one cannot even imagine. Do not judge people instantly. At least ask them the real reason behind their health.

And if you are genuinely concerned about a loved one, here is what you can do to help them feel better about themselves:

  1. Be positive
  2. Become an active participant during the workouts
  3. Show them you care about them. And not the end result
  4. Show some love and be sensitive. Be loving and mindful while talking or giving them a feedback
  5. Be patient and motivate them when they wish to give up

You have your faults, but others have them too. Let’s learn to be non-judgemental and accept each other’s flaws.

Picture credits: Still from Bollywood movie Dum Laga Ke Haisha!

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