Culture: Workplace Vs living Place

There is so much common ground between powerful corporate houses who exploit workers and powerful political parties who want to blame others and want to secure absolute power above all else.

There is so much common ground between powerful corporate houses who exploit workers and powerful political parties who want to blame others and want to secure absolute power above all else.

Today’s situation of the country, the politics and the tussle between the ruling parties and the oppositions is not a new thing for anyone. Totally digressed from the actual purpose of their existence of serving the country men especially in the crisis like the Covid 19 situation where the utmost priority has to be mankind, the political parties are engrossed in proving some or the other thing but not fulfilling to the needs of the country at this point of time.

Not that, efforts are not visible but the intentions of each and every task is very clear and that is to sing your own praises even if that requires discrediting other’s efforts and initiative. It is disappointing to see the scenario which is on macro level.

The same practices have been witnessed in the corporate world which is no less than the situation of our country. I wonder, lakhs and lakhs of Corporate have the same ideology where ever you go, and once you, all baffled and tired, look at the situation of the “largest corporate” i.e the political structure of the country, I am shocked that the situation is even worst at that level. It takes me to a serious contemplation that when and where could we, the people of the country (at macro level) or the employees (working for the large corporate) get a respite from the labyrinth created by those people holding so much power to do anything in this world just to prove their supremacy.

I remember how I had defined the meaning of professionalism some five years back after looking around the corporate working style. The understanding became so strong in the head that now convincing me that my understanding was absolutely wrong has become very difficult. In fact, many people who, I would call ignorant, some five years back have also approved to my study on what the corporate world looks like.

Five years back my study revealed some harsh realities about the professionalism and the culture of the corporate world and they are as follows:

Professionalism perceived and practiced in the current scenario is :

  1. All about number games and not the quality of the work actually done or required to be done.
  2. It’s all about who win by camouflaging the information rather than providing the actual situation and working on bettering the situation.
  3. It’s all about saving the favorites in spite of blunders they make rather than developing them by pointing on their mistakes and to make them learn from those mistakes.
  4. It’s all about proving oneself as the most intellectual professional of the universe rather than letting your learning curve grow and give you more avenues to learn.
  5. It’s all about bragging about the achievements and not making improvements
  6. It’s all about fingering on others rather than looking at our own shortcomings.
  7. It’s all about talking in the air rather than being on the ground.
  8. It’s all about kneeling in front of the situations at the cost of your values.
  9. It’s all about not letting someone work just to quench your thirst of being in limelight

Now if you read these understanding, which I am sure many of the readers would approve, don’t you think they all resemble or are exactly the same as political situation of our country right now.

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Where is the “good” happening for the country-men today who are walking 1200-1500 KM on foot with their families in this scorching heat just to find solace in their home towns?

My question is that the daily wagers, because of their financial background, their illiteracy, lack of employment and so many other adverse factors have to opt for the work they do but that doesn’t mean that they are not human.

Don’t you feel that this is the right time for the powerful people to focus on working on the right intentions and humanity rather than proving their own mettle and power which will take them nowhere in the coming future. The nature has already shown its rage in the form of a pandemic called COVID 19 spread across the world, or India’s chemical leak disaster in Vishakhapatnam, the havoc created by the Amphon cyclone in West Bengal and Odisha. Is it not enough to raise an alarm in the minds of the powerful people that they are still minuscule in front of the nature? Is it not the right time to do the right things with right intentions to save the nature and its offspring?

A very somber state indeed. Thinking about this sorry state, I question if the corporate or the political parties have guts to resort to an endeavor to change. Undoubtedly it would be a lot challenging but that would at-least build a better tomorrow for the professionals aspiring to work with corporate (on a micro level) and the citizens of our country (on Macro level).

A long way to go though but I am eagerly waiting for the time to come where I proudly say that my definitions were absolutely wrong and I need to see things differently. I hope the time would come and I bet I shall happily change my understanding.

Image Credit: Pixabay


About the Author


Ruchi is a new person who has dared to break all walls of monotony in life, a dreamer, a learner and likes to derive inspiration in all situations she is into. Recently plunged into a read more...

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