‘Pee Before You Leave The House,’ And Other Gem Like Advice By Our Mums We Still Follow

Moms giving out advice is nothing new and can range from silly and sweet to profound and sensible. Here are a few women telling us advice they still follow!

Moms giving out advice is nothing new and can range from silly and sweet to profound and sensible. Here are a few women telling us advice they still follow!

Growing up, I was not really the easiest child/teen to deal with. I was too hyper, too lost in my own world, or just too loud! But my mum never really asked me to not be myself. As long as I remember, I’ve been encouraged to be my mad, fun, loud self. 

However, I do remember mum telling me one thing practically before stepping out each time. She’d ask me to pee before stepping out of the house, no matter how short the outing was. And as a kid/tween/teen, it annoyed me. I mean, here I was all dressed and in my shoes and the woman wanted me to go pee! But I gave in, always. (Yes, once upon a time, I was a very obedient child.)

And as I grew up and moved out, I realised the importance of that little bit of advice. Yes, drunk friendships in bars are iconic! But just how many of us have held our pee because the washroom we wanted to use was dirty? How many of us have refused to go to the loo at office because we feared infections? 

Ultimately, mum is (usually) always right. Sigh. 

And so when we asked the Women’s Web community about one advice their mum gave them that they follow to the day, we got some really interesting answers! Here are some of the most heart-touching, practical, and sensible ones!

Financial independence above all

Being financially independent seems to be something all our moms have told us. 

Aarti Yadav says, “My mum taught me to study hard and be financially independent. She said, all other skills of crocheting, stitching and knitting are secondary and I could get it done from someone else.”

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Bharati Muralidhar’s mum told her to keep her job, no matter what happened. “It is not just a job, but a key to independence and self-respect,” her mother told her. 

Swati Jain said her mother asked to be financially independent and keep an open mind and to keep learning new things. She says, “Mom told me to keep learning new things and finishing chores early in the morning.”

The importance of YOU

They may ask us to lower our voices, laugh softer but mothers always believe in the power of being yourself. 

“Never waste your time trying to please everyone who crosses your path. You cannot please everyone,” Pritha Pradhan’s mom told her. She also asked Pritha not to ever ignore her career, for it is the only thing that will stay with her till the end.

Another Facebook user by the name Sizzling Suryatapa said her mom told her to never compromise on her dreams while never being late and eating on time. 

Sanvali Kaushik’s mom taught her to never lose her self-confidence and be herself.

A little bit of their love too

Amrita Lahiri Bhattacharya’s mum has asked her to call her back every time Amrita reaches home from office. 

“Cook with love,” is what Nalini Manga’s mom advised her. 

And like, every mother ever, Vijeta Harishankar’s mom told her to always be home on time and, “avoid eating too much outside.

So, what is the one piece of advice your moms have told you that you follow till date?

Mother’s Day 2020: Let’s look at Mom as a human being, with a persona more than just the mother that takes care of you, of the home, or also a working mom who tries to walk the fine line of work-life balance. Let’s look at the woman she is, and celebrate her this Mother’s Day, whether she is with you or staying away from you, during this period of lockdown. Let’s make Mother’s Day 2020 memorable for your mom, or if you are mom.

Picture credits: Still from Bollywood movie Listen Amaya

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Reader, writer and a strong feminist, I survive on coffee and cuddles from dogs! Pop culture, especially Bollywood, runs in my veins while I crack incredibly lame jokes and puns! read more...

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